Beneath Spiš Castle: Uncovering Secrets of St. Nicholas' Day
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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Beneath Spiš Castle: Uncovering Secrets of St. Nicholas' Day Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Zasnežené ruiny hradu Spiš vyčnievali do bledých zimných oblakov, ako staroveký klenot zapadnutý do času.En: The snow-covered ruins of Spiš Castle stood out against the pale winter clouds, like an ancient jewel lost in time.Sk: Vzduch bol chladný a svieži, presýtený jemnými zvonkohrou z ďalekých slávností Dňa svätého Mikuláša.En: The air was cold and fresh, filled with the faint chime of distant celebrations of St. Nicholas' Day.Sk: Trieda sa zhromaždila pred hradnými bránami, kde učitelia rozprávali o histórii a architektúre.En: The class gathered in front of the castle gates, where teachers spoke about its history and architecture.Sk: Marek sa hrýzol na perách.En: Marek bit his lip.Sk: Hovory o minulosti ho bavili, ale jeho myšlienky už dávno utiekli.En: He enjoyed the talks about the past, but his thoughts had long wandered away.Sk: Počul o tajomnom tuneli, čo vedie pod hradom, a túžil ho nájsť.En: He had heard about a mysterious tunnel beneath the castle and longed to find it.Sk: Ak by ho odhalil, všetci by ho uznávali ako hrdinu.En: If he uncovered it, everyone would recognize him as a hero.Sk: Livia študovala kamenné oblúky a veže, uchvátená ich eleganciou.En: Livia studied the stone arches and towers, captivated by their elegance.Sk: Chcela zachytiť krásu, ktorú oči videli, do skíc.En: She wanted to capture the beauty her eyes saw in sketches.Sk: Bolo to pre jej umelecký projekt a v tých kamenných stenách videla život a príbehy.En: It was for her art project, and in those stone walls, she saw life and stories.Sk: No Marekova ustavičná energia ju odvádzala od práce.En: But Marek's constant energy distracted her from her work.Sk: Marek neodolal pokušeniu.En: Marek couldn't resist the temptation.Sk: Čakal, kým sa pozornosť triedy zamerala inde, a ticho sa vytratil do zakázanej časti rozvalín.En: He waited until the class's attention shifted elsewhere and quietly slipped into the forbidden part of the ruins.Sk: Livia si to všimla a váhala.En: Livia noticed and hesitated.Sk: Mala zostať a dokončiť svoje skicy, ale čo ak Marek nájde niečo zaujímavé?En: She wanted to stay and finish her sketches, but what if Marek found something interesting?Sk: Obával sa však aj o jeho bezpečnosť.En: She was also concerned about his safety.Sk: Nakoniec sa rozhodla.En: In the end, she decided.Sk: S kresliacim blokom v ruke sa vydala za ním, opatrná, aby nikoho nevyrušila.En: With her sketchbook in hand, she followed him, careful not to disturb anyone.Sk: Marek utekal chodbami starého hradu, až narazil na prasklinu v stene.En: Marek ran through the corridors of the old castle until he came across a crack in the wall.Sk: Bol tam, presne ako mu vraveli.En: It was there, just as he had been told.Sk: Skrytý priechod.En: A hidden passage.Sk: S úsmevom sa otočil k Lívii.En: He turned to Livia with a smile.Sk: "Siahol som po ňom," zašepkal nadšene.En: "I've reached it," he whispered excitedly.Sk: Livia mlčky prikývla, trochu znepokojená.En: Livia nodded silently, a bit worried.Sk: Spoločne prešli úzkym priechodom, až dorazili do skrytej komory.En: Together they walked through the narrow passage until they arrived in a hidden...