Broken Roads: Marek's Journey from Independence to Vulnerability

FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Broken Roads: Marek's Journey from Independence to Vulnerability Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: V teplom letnom popoludní v srdci Bratislavy, Marek sa tešil na dlhú cyklistickú jazdu.En: On a warm summer afternoon in the heart of Bratislava, Marek was looking forward to a long cycling ride.Sk: Prechádzal úzkymi uličkami mesta, kde sa staré budovy stretajú s modernými kaviarňami.En: He navigated the narrow streets of the city, where old buildings meet modern cafés.Sk: Bola to jeho vášeň.En: It was his passion.Sk: Cyklistika mu dávala pocit slobody a radosti.En: Cycling gave him a sense of freedom and joy.Sk: No osud mal iné plány.En: But fate had other plans.Sk: Náhle sa ozvali brzdné zvuky, nasledoval pád.En: Suddenly, the sound of brakes echoed, followed by a fall.Sk: Marek sa ocitol na zemi.En: Marek found himself on the ground.Sk: Bolestivo si hmatol na nohu.En: He painfully touched his leg.Sk: Bolo jasné, že to nie je len malý škrabanec.En: It was clear that it wasn't just a minor scratch.Sk: Ľudia okolo neho sa zastavili a ponúkli mu pomoc.En: People around him stopped and offered help.Sk: Privolali sanitku.En: They called an ambulance.Sk: Zrazu bol vo svete chaosu a bolesti.En: Suddenly, he was in a world of chaos and pain.Sk: V nemocnici ho rýchlo presunuli na vyšetrenie.En: At the hospital, he was quickly taken for an examination.Sk: Lekári diagnostikovali zlomeninu nohy a poranenia ruky.En: The doctors diagnosed a broken leg and injuries to his hand.Sk: Ležal na nemocničnej posteli, steny okolo neho boli biele a sterilné.En: He lay on the hospital bed, the walls around him were white and sterile.Sk: Priestor kontrastoval so živými ulicami, kde začal svoj deň.En: The space contrasted with the lively streets where he had started his day.Sk: Zuzana, jeho priateľka, okamžite prišla.En: Zuzana, his girlfriend, arrived immediately.Sk: Bola sestrou na tej istej klinike.En: She was a nurse at the same clinic.Sk: Jej starostlivý pohľad ukázal, ako veľmi sa bála o Mareka.En: Her caring gaze showed how much she was worried about Marek.Sk: Ale on nechcel, aby sa trápila.En: But he didn't want her to be distressed.Sk: "Nie je to také zlé," klamal jej Marek.En: "It's not that bad," Marek lied to her.Sk: "Rýchlo sa zotavím.En: "I'll recover quickly."Sk: "Zuzana mu neverila, ale nechcela ho trápiť.En: Zuzana did not believe him but didn't want to trouble him.Sk: Vedela, že Marek má problém otvorene hovoriť o svojich slabostiach.En: She knew that Marek had a hard time openly talking about his weaknesses.Sk: Rozhodla sa, že tu pre neho bude, aj keď to znamenalo, že musela odložiť niektoré pracovné povinnosti.En: She decided to be there for him, even if it meant putting off some of her own work duties.Sk: Medzitým Livia, Marekova sestra žijúca v zahraničí, dostala správu o incidente.En: Meanwhile, Livia, Marek's sister who lived abroad, got the news about the incident.Sk: Okamžite mu zavolala cez video.En: She immediately called him via video.Sk: "Marek, musíme sa uistiť, že dostaneš tú najlepšiu starostlivosť," povedala pragmaticky.En: "Marek, we need to ensure you get the best care," she said...