Castle Frights & Canine Lights
FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Castle Frights & Canine Lights Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: V tichu noci sa nad Bratislavským hradom týčiaca sa postava zamyslene pozerala na zasvietené mesto.En: In the quiet of the night, a figure towering over Bratislava Castle gazed thoughtfully at the illuminated city.Sk: Tomáš, mladý študent histórie, prišiel sem, aby sa trochu učil na zajtrajšiu skúšku.En: Tomáš, a young history student, had come here to do some studying for his exam the next day.Sk: Prechádzal sa pokojnými hradnými záhradami s knihou v ruke, keď vtom zahliadol zvláštny tieň.En: He strolled through the peaceful castle gardens with a book in hand when he noticed a strange shadow.Sk: Pod hradbami socha sv. Michala s mečom hrdinsky stála, ale Tomášove myšlienky len ticho odbíhali k strašidelným príbehom.En: Beneath the walls stood the statue of St. Michael with a heroic sword, but Tomáš' thoughts drifted quietly to eerie tales.Sk: V tom okamihu sa v tmavom kúte záhrady niečo zahýbalo.En: At that moment, something moved in the dark corner of the garden.Sk: Tomáš pozrel bližšie a uvidel dve žiariace oči.En: Tomáš looked closer and saw two glowing eyes.Sk: Zastal, srdce mu začalo búšiť rýchlejšie, keď si domyslel, že to musí byť vlk.En: He stopped, his heart began to beat faster as he imagined it must be a wolf.Sk: Bez rozmýšľania sa obrátil a začal bežať čo najrýchlejšie preč z hradu.En: Without thinking, he turned and began to run as fast as he could away from the castle.Sk: Až keď sa Tomáš dostal k Dunaju, zastavil a snažil sa dýchať.En: It wasn't until Tomáš reached the Danube that he stopped and tried to catch his breath.Sk: Vtom počul niekoho zasmiať sa.En: Then he heard someone laughing.Sk: Obzrel sa a uvidel mladú ženu.En: He turned around and saw a young woman.Sk: Bol to Jana, jeho spolužiačka zo seminára stredovekej histórie.En: It was Jana, his classmate from the seminar on medieval history.Sk: Jana prišla bližšie a v ruke držala vodítko, na ktorom sa čertila malá psíčka.En: Jana came closer, holding a leash with a small dog on it.Sk: Tomáš, to, čoho si sa tak strašne zľakol, to bol len môj pes Líza,En: Tomáš, what you were so scared of was just my dog Líza,Sk: povedala Jana s úsmevom.En: Jana said with a smile.Sk: Tomáš sa červenal, keď si uvedomil svoju chybu.En: Tomáš blushed when he realized his mistake.Sk: Nemohol uveriť, že utiekol z hradu pre malého psa.En: He couldn't believe he had run away from the castle because of a small dog.Sk: Vždy som si myslel, že bývalí obyvatelia hradu majú ostražitého vlka, nie malú psíčku,En: I always thought that the former castle residents had a vigilant wolf, not a little dog,Sk: povedal so smiechom.En: he said with a laugh.Sk: Jana sa zasmiala a Líza veselo zakvikala.En: Jana laughed, and Líza happily barked.Sk: Keby poznala tvoje fantazírovanie, určite by bola pyšná na svoju vlčiu povahu,En: If she knew about your imagination, she would certainly be proud of her wolfish nature,Sk: odpovedala Jana.En: Jana replied.Sk: Ale neboj sa, je to najprítulnejšia bytosť na svete.En: But don't worry, she's the most affectionate creature in the world.Sk: Tomáš sa ospravedlnil za svoj strach a obaja sa rozhodli, že ešte chvíľu posedí pri Dunaji.En: Tomáš apologized for his fear, and both decided to sit by the...