Christmas Rescue: A Frozen Tale of Courage in the Tatras
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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Christmas Rescue: A Frozen Tale of Courage in the Tatras Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: V Tatranskom národnom parku, uprostred bielych vrcholov a zamrznutých stromov, sa Adela cítila ako doma.En: In the Tatranský National Park, amidst the white peaks and frozen trees, Adela felt at home.Sk: Bola Vianoce, a zimná krajina bola neuveriteľne krásna.En: It was Christmas, and the winter landscape was unbelievably beautiful.Sk: Adela sa rozhodla, že si musí urobiť nezabudnuteľnú fotografiu.En: Adela decided she had to take an unforgettable photograph.Sk: Hľadela na zasnežený vrch, ktorý bol jej cieľom.En: She gazed at the snowy peak, which was her goal.Sk: „Pozrime sa na to zhora,“ usmievala sa na Mareka, ktorý stál po jej boku.En: “Let’s see it from above,” she smiled at Marek, who stood by her side.Sk: Marek súcitne prikývol, aj keď vo vnútri cítil nepokoj.En: Marek nodded sympathetically, even though he felt uneasy inside.Sk: On byl opatrný, vždy sa snažil predvídať nebezpečie.En: He was cautious, always trying to anticipate danger.Sk: „Musíme byť opatrní. Počasie sa môže zmeniť,“ varoval ju.En: “We must be careful. The weather can change,” he warned her.Sk: Adela sa však nedala odradiť.En: However, Adela was not deterred.Sk: Bola plná nadšenia a odvahy.En: She was full of enthusiasm and courage.Sk: Cestou hore sa sneh začal hrnúť hustejšie, vietor silnel.En: On the way up, the snow began to fall more heavily, and the wind strengthened.Sk: Marek, v diaľke, uvidel, ako sa nebo začína mračiť.En: In the distance, Marek saw the sky beginning to darken.Sk: „Vráťme sa!“ kričal, ale Adela jeho varovanie ignorovala.En: “Let’s turn back!” he shouted, but Adela ignored his warning.Sk: „Ešte kúsok!“ zvolala Adela.En: “Just a little further!” Adela called out.Sk: Bola rozhodnutá dosiahnuť vrchol.En: She was determined to reach the summit.Sk: Vietor svišťal, sneženie sa zmenilo na búrku.En: The wind howled, and the snowfall turned into a storm.Sk: Krok, dva a potom to prišlo.En: A step, two, and then it happened.Sk: Adela podklouzla na zamrznutom chodníku a spadla.En: Adela slipped on the icy path and fell.Sk: Zvolala, keď ju ostrá bolesť zasiahla do nohy.En: She cried out as sharp pain struck her leg.Sk: Marek bol okamžite pri nej.En: Immediately, Marek was by her side.Sk: „Adela, si v poriadku?“ spýtal sa, snažiac sa prekonať hluk búrky.En: “Adela, are you okay?” he asked, trying to overcome the noise of the storm.Sk: Nebola.En: She was not.Sk: Adela nemohla stáť.En: Adela could not stand.Sk: Jej noha bola zranená.En: Her leg was injured.Sk: Obaja si uvedomili, že strácajú signál na telefóne.En: Both of them realized they were losing phone signal.Sk: Neboli úslužní pomoci.En: Help was not forthcoming.Sk: Marek premýšľal rýchlo.En: Marek thought quickly.Sk: Z vetiev a svojho šálu urobil provizórnu dlahu.En: He made an improvised splint from branches and his scarf.Sk: Adelu podoprel a pomaly, krok za krokom, začali zostupovať.En: Supporting Adela, they slowly, step by step, began their descent.Sk: Víchrica byla nemilosrdná, ale Marek bol odhodlaný, aby naspäť dorazili bezpečne.En: The storm was relentless, but Marek was...