Courage and Harmony: A Winter Talent Show Tale
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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Courage and Harmony: A Winter Talent Show Tale Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: V srdci zasneženého internátu, obkoleseného bielou krajinou, sa Marek prechádzal s ťažkým nádychom mrazivého vzduchu.En: In the heart of the snow-covered dormitory, surrounded by a white landscape, Marek walked with a heavy breath of frosty air.Sk: Srdce mu bilo bez ohľadu na chlad, pretože sa blížil zimný talentový večer, na ktorý sa pripravovali všetci študenti.En: His heart beat regardless of the cold because the winter talent evening was approaching, for which all the students were preparing.Sk: Najviac ho však znervózňovala myšlienka, že by musel vystúpiť na pódiu pred svojimi spolužiakmi a zahrať svoju obľúbenú klavírnu skladbu.En: However, what unnerved him the most was the thought of having to perform on stage in front of his classmates and play his favorite piano piece.Sk: Zuzana, ktorá sa voľne rehotala v spoločenskej miestnosti, bola presným opakom Mareka.En: Zuzana, who was laughing freely in the common room, was the exact opposite of Marek.Sk: Bola odvážna a plná života, mala talent na tanec, ktorým očarovala každého pozorovateľa.En: She was brave and full of life, with a talent for dance that mesmerized every observer.Sk: Jej rozhodnutie zúčastniť sa na talentovej súťaži malo jasný cieľ – okrem výhry vedela, že štipendium by jej ponúklo ďalšie možnosti v štúdiu, o ktorých tak snívala.En: Her decision to participate in the talent competition had a clear goal - beyond winning, she knew the scholarship would offer her further study opportunities she so dreamed about.Sk: „Marek, nesmieš sa báť,“ povedala Zuzana s teplým úsmevom, keď sa k nemu pridala pri klavíri.En: "Marek, you mustn't be afraid," Zuzana said with a warm smile as she joined him at the piano.Sk: „Vieš, vedomosť o tvojom talente môže inšpirovať viacerých.En: "You know, the knowledge of your talent can inspire many.Sk: A to je úžasné.En: And that's amazing."Sk: “Marek jej trochu neveril.En: Marek somewhat doubted her.Sk: Jeho ruky sa stále chveli pri pohľade na biele klávesy.En: His hands still trembled at the sight of the white keys.Sk: Nakoniec sa ale odvážil priznať: „Zuzana, potrebujem tvoju pomoc.En: But eventually, he dared to admit, "Zuzana, I need your help.Sk: Ako to zvládaš vždy s takým pokojom?En: How do you always manage it with such calm?"Sk: “Zuzana sa zamyslela a potom sa usmiala.En: Zuzana thought for a moment and then smiled.Sk: „Vieš, kľúčom je veriť si.En: "You know, the key is to believe in yourself.Sk: Ak si veríš, môžeš zvládnuť čokoľvek.En: If you believe in yourself, you can handle anything.Sk: Skús myslieť nato, aké krásne je to, čo chceš ľuďom ukázať.En: Try to think about how beautiful it is what you want to show people.Sk: Pomôžem ti nacvičiť.En: I'll help you practice."Sk: “Dni plynuli v cvičení.En: The days passed in practice.Sk: Marek sledoval, ako Zuzana ladne menila kroky svojho tanca, vždy pripravena na prekážky a pripravená postaviť sa im s vážnosťou.En: Marek watched as Zuzana gracefully changed the steps of her dance, always ready for obstacles and prepared to face them with seriousness.Sk: Ona mala svoje vlastné obavy, pretože pravidlá sa zmenili a konkurencia bola veľká.En: She had her own concerns, as the rules had changed and the competition was fierce.Sk: No vždy našla...