Courage in the Tatry: A Quest Beyond Snow and Doubt
FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by

Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Courage in the Tatry: A Quest Beyond Snow and Doubt Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Juraj a Lenka stáli na okraji lesa, hľadeli na majestátne Tatry.En: Juraj and Lenka stood at the edge of the forest, gazing at the majestic Tatry.Sk: Sneh pádal z neba ako nebeské periny.En: Snow fell from the sky like heavenly blankets.Sk: Nový rok práve začal, ale vietor bol surový, pripomínajúci, že Tatry sú krásne, avšak nemilosrdné.En: The New Year had just begun, but the wind was harsh, a reminder that the Tatry are beautiful yet unforgiving.Sk: Juraj sa pozrel na Lenku.En: Juraj looked at Lenka.Sk: "Si si istá, že chceš ísť ďalej?En: "Are you sure you want to go on?"Sk: " opýtal sa s obavou.En: he asked with concern.Sk: Lenka mala odhodlaný výraz v tvári.En: Lenka had a determined look on her face.Sk: "Áno, verím si.En: "Yes, I believe in myself.Sk: Chcem ukázať svojej rodine, že to zvládnem," odpovedala.En: I want to show my family that I can do it," she replied.Sk: Cesty medzi stromami boli zakryté bielym závojom.En: The paths between the trees were covered with a white curtain.Sk: Juraj bol skúsený turistický vodca, no po minuloročnej neúspešnej expedícii sa jeho sebadôvera otriasla.En: Juraj was an experienced hiking guide, but after last year's unsuccessful expedition, his confidence was shaken.Sk: "Sľubujem, že ťa ochránim," povedal Juraj, no jeho hlas znel neisto aj v jeho vlastných ušiach.En: "I promise I'll protect you," Juraj said, but his voice sounded uncertain even to his own ears.Sk: Obaja šli ďalej, keď sneh padal stále hustejšie.En: They both continued as the snow fell more densely.Sk: Juraj sa snažil koncentrovať na trasu, ale všetky značky sa stratili pod bielou plachtou.En: Juraj tried to concentrate on the route, but all the signs were lost under the white blanket.Sk: Lenka bola pred ním, krok za krokom, jej dych bol viditeľný vo vzduchu.En: Lenka was ahead of him, step by step, her breath visible in the air.Sk: "Ako sa cítia?En: "How are you feeling?"Sk: " zakričal Juraj cez svišťajúci vietor.En: Juraj shouted over the whistling wind.Sk: "Dobre," odpovedala Lenka, ale jej hlas bol napnutý.En: "Fine," Lenka replied, but her voice was tense.Sk: Snehová búrka naberala na sile.En: The snowstorm grew stronger.Sk: Cesta bola nejasná a vietor ich ustavične tlačil.En: The path was unclear, and the wind kept pushing them.Sk: "Lenka, mali by sme sa vrátiť," zvolal Juraj, zastavujúc sa.En: "Lenka, we should turn back," Juraj called, stopping.Sk: Niekoľko krokov pred ním Lenka váhala.En: A few steps ahead of him, Lenka hesitated.Sk: Bola unavená, ale jej túžba dosiahnuť vrchol bola silná.En: She was tired, but her desire to reach the summit was strong.Sk: "Nie, ešte nie," protestovala, no v očiach sa jej zračili iskierky pochybností.En: "No, not yet," she protested, though sparks of doubt shone in her eyes.Sk: Práve keď sa chystala pokračovať, Juraj si všimol úzky útesovú cestu.En: Just as she was about to continue, Juraj noticed a narrow cliff path.Sk: Tišil vietor svojim telom.En: He shielded the wind with his body.Sk: "Lenka, teraz je to nebezpečné," povedal pevne.En: "Lenka, it's dangerous now," he said firmly.Sk: Chvíľu na seba hľadeli, a potom Lenka...