Crash Course in Present Living!
FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Crash Course in Present Living! Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Na svetlom námestí v srdci Bratislavy, kde sa ľudia s úsmevmi prechádzali a v dákej kaviarni sa šírila vôňa čerstvo praženej kávy, začína náš príbeh.En: In the bright square in the heart of Bratislava, where people walked with smiles and the scent of freshly roasted coffee filled a nearby café, our story begins.Sk: Bol krehký jarný deň a Ján, mladý muž s okuliarmi a zanieteným výrazom v tvári, si razím cestu cez dav.En: It was a delicate spring day, and Ján, a young man with glasses and an enthusiastic expression on his face, made his way through the crowd.Sk: Oblieka modré tričko, ktoré ladí s jeho očami, a jeho ruky neustále pracujú na malom mobilnom telefóne.En: He wore a blue shirt that matched his eyes, and his hands were constantly busy on his small mobile phone.Sk: Ján, stále zabraný do svojej obľúbenej hry, ani nepostrehol, ako sa blíži k týmto presklenným dverám kaviarne, kde jeho priatelia Martin a Eva sedeli a pozorovali dianie vonku.En: Engrossed in his favorite game, Ján didn't even notice as he approached the glass doors of the café, where his friends Martin and Eva were sitting, watching the activity outside.Sk: Martin bol vždy rozhodný a prísný, ale s dobrosrdečným úsmevom, ktorý dokázal rozveseliť celú miestnosť.En: Martin was always decisive and strict, but with a kind smile that could brighten up the whole room.Sk: Eva, na druhej strane, bola jemná a pozorovateľná, so zvláštnou schopnosťou vnímať detaily, ktoré ostatných minuli.En: Eva, on the other hand, was gentle and observant, with a special ability to notice details that others missed.Sk: Situácia sa stala, keď Ján, stále fascinovaný blogom na svojom telefóne o najnovších technologických vychytávkach a tipoch, neúprosne a nevedomky smeroval k úplne čírej ploche.En: The situation unfolded as Ján, still fascinated by a blog on his phone about the latest technological gadgets and tips, relentlessly and unknowingly headed towards a completely transparent surface.Sk: Bolo to ako divadelné predstavenie, ktoré začína tichým bubnovaním, avšak vrchol prichádzal so skvele načasovaným žartom.En: It was like a theatrical performance that began with a quiet drumroll, but the climax came with a perfectly timed joke.Sk: Bez toho, aby zdvihol oči, Ján narazil priamo do dverí.En: Without lifting his eyes, Ján crashed straight into the door.Sk: Zvuk, ktorý to sprevádzalo, bol tvrdý, ale zároveň komický, ako v scéne z nejakého bláznivého filmu.En: The sound that accompanied it was harsh but also comical, like a scene from some crazy movie.Sk: Okamžite všetky oči v kaviarni smerovali k nemu.En: Immediately, all eyes in the café turned to him.Sk: Martinove hlboké chichoty a Evina tichá, ale nekontrolovateľná škatuľka smiechu naplnili miestnosť.En: Martin's deep laughter and Eva's quiet but uncontrollable chuckle filled the room.Sk: Dokonca aj Ján, keď si uvedomil, čo sa práve stalo, nevedel potlačiť úsmev, zatiaľ čo sa nešikovne otieral o čelo.En: Even Ján, when he realized what had just happened, couldn't help but smile as he clumsily rubbed his forehead.Sk: "Možno by bolo lepšie, keby si svoj telefón nechal v kapse, keď kráčaš po meste," navrhol Martin s úsmevom.En: "Maybe it would be better if you left your phone in your pocket when walking around the city," Martin suggested with a smile.Sk: Ján sa len krčmo zasmial a pridal sa k svojim priateľom.En: Ján just...