Dance Mishap Becomes Laughter in Bratislava

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Dance Mishap Becomes Laughter in Bratislava Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Slnečné lúče si svoju cestu pomaly preplietali cez starobylé uličky Bratislavy.En: The sun's rays slowly weaved their way through the ancient streets of Bratislava.Sk: Marek s Janou a Petrom sa prechádzali po kockových dlaždiciach Starého Mesta.En: Marek, Jana, and Peter were walking on the cobblestone streets of the Old Town.Sk: Bolo sobotňajšie popoludnie a námestie žilo.En: It was a Saturday afternoon and the square was alive.Sk: Hudba, smiech a hrkot kaviarenských stolíkov sprevádzali ich kroky.En: Music, laughter, and the clatter of café tables accompanied their steps.Sk: Marek mal na Jane oko už dlhšie.En: Marek had had his eye on Jana for a while.Sk: Chcel sa jej zapáčiť a vedel, že miluje slovenské ľudové zvyky.En: He wanted to impress her, knowing that she loved Slovak folk customs.Sk: Keď Zachytil rytmus ľudovej hudby, rozhodol sa pre veľkú životnú šancu.En: When he caught the rhythm of folk music, he decided to take a big chance.Sk: Pred očami prekvapenej Jane začal tancovať.En: In front of the surprised Jana, he started dancing.Sk: Jeho nohy sa odvážne vydali na púť tradičných krokov.En: His feet boldly embarked on the journey of traditional steps.Sk: Peter, ktorý si všetko pozorne všímal, cítil, že to bude zábava.En: Peter, who had been carefully observing everything, felt that it would be fun.Sk: Marek nebol zlý tanečník, ale Bratislavské námestie v sobotu nebolo práve tanečný parket.En: Marek wasn't a bad dancer, but the Bratislava square on a Saturday wasn't exactly a dance floor.Sk: Netrvalo dlho a Marek, rozvíjajúci svoju tanečnú vášeň, narazil do klobúka pouličného umelca, ktorý pokojne sedel na zemi a hrával na gitaru.En: It didn't take long before Marek, unfolding his passion for dance, bumped into the hat of a street artist who was sitting on the ground playing the guitar peacefully.Sk: Klobúk sa vymrštil do vzduchu a mince sa rozišli po všetkých smeroch.En: The hat flew into the air and coins scattered in all directions.Sk: Námestie zastalo na chvíľu v úžase a potom sa rozozvučalo smiechom.En: The square paused in amazement for a moment and then resounded with laughter.Sk: Jana zostala stáť s úsmevom, nevediac, či má pomôcť zbierať mince, alebo tancovať ďalej.En: Jana stood there with a smile, unsure whether to help collect the coins or continue dancing.Sk: Našťastie, pouličný umeliec bol dobrý duch a smial sa najhlasnejšie.En: Thankfully, the street artist was a good spirit and laughed the loudest.Sk: Pohodovo vstal, pohladil Mareka po pleci a začal si zbierať svoje rozsypané peniaze.En: He got up calmly, patted Marek on the back, and started collecting his scattered money.Sk: Marek červenal, ale Jana ho pritiahla k sebe.En: Marek blushed, but Jana pulled him close.Sk: "Máš odvahu, Marek," povedala s úsmevom.En: "You have courage, Marek," she said with a smile.Sk: "Aj keď tvoj tanec mal nečakané koncovky, bolo to skvelé predstavenie.En: "Even though your dance had unexpected endings, it was a great performance."Sk: "Peter, ktorý to celé sledoval, prikývol.En: Peter, who had watched it all, nodded.Sk: "Občas musíš skôr padať, aby si sa naučil tancovať," povedal so smiechom.En: "Sometimes you have to fall before you can learn to dance,"...