Deer-y Christmas: Love, Laughter & Mishap in Bratislava
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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Deer-y Christmas: Love, Laughter & Mishap in Bratislava Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Davy ľudí sa tlačili okolo stánkov na Vianočných trhoch v Bratislave.En: Crowds of people pressed around the stalls at the Christmas markets in Bratislava.Sk: Svetlá mihotali vo vzduchu ako drobné hviezdy, a vôňa vareného vína sa niesla pomedzi veselé rozhovory.En: Lights twinkled in the air like tiny stars, and the scent of mulled wine filled the air amidst cheerful conversations.Sk: Lubomir a Marek, dvaja starí kamaráti, sa túlali medzi nimi, zabávajúc sa a užívajúc si sviatočnú atmosféru.En: Lubomir and Marek, two old friends, wandered among them, having fun and enjoying the festive atmosphere.Sk: „Pozri na tie rezy!En: "Look at those slices!"Sk: “ zvolal Marek a ukázal na stánok s čerstvo pečenými medovníkmi.En: Marek exclaimed, pointing to a stall with freshly baked gingerbread.Sk: „Aj mojej babičke by sa páčili.En: "Even my grandma would like them."Sk: “„Určite by jej chuťou pripomenuli domov,“ odvetil Lubomir, mysliac na Janu, svoju priateľku, ktorá bola ďaleko.En: "They would definitely remind her of home with their taste," replied Lubomir, thinking of Jana, his girlfriend who was far away.Sk: Marek sa zasmial a zatiahol Lubomira k ďalšiemu atrakciou – k ohrade s jeleňmi.En: Marek laughed and pulled Lubomir to the next attraction — a pen with deer.Sk: Mala to byť milá prestávka, chvíľka na zábavu s Marekom a prekrásne zvieratá.En: It was meant to be a nice break, a moment of fun with Marek and the beautiful animals.Sk: Lubomir si spomenul na plán zavolať Jane.En: Lubomir remembered the plan to call Jana.Sk: Chcel jej ukázať atmosféru Bratislavy, aby aj ona cítila kúsok Vianoc.En: He wanted to show her the atmosphere of Bratislava, so she could feel a piece of Christmas too.Sk: Bez rozmýšľania vytiahol mobil a stláčal tlačidlá.En: Without thinking, he took out his phone and pressed the buttons.Sk: Vianočné piesne z raido hrávali v pozadí, deti smiali sa na okraji ohrady.En: Christmas songs played from the radio in the background, children laughed at the edge of the pen.Sk: Lubomir náhle počul známe cinkanie — začal video hovor s Janou.En: Suddenly, Lubomir heard a familiar jingle — he started a video call with Jana.Sk: „Lubomir!En: "Lubomir!Sk: Ahoj!En: Hi!Sk: Čo sa deje?En: What's going on?"Sk: “ ozval sa z druhej strany smiech.En: came laughter from the other side.Sk: Ale niečo nebolo v poriadku.En: But something wasn't right.Sk: Za ním sa ozval zvláštny zvuk.En: A strange sound came from behind him.Sk: Jeleň sa zaujímal o Lubomirov telefón!En: The deer was interested in Lubomir's phone!Sk: Veselo sa Marek naklonil k obrazovke a povedal: „Nepoznáš druhu návštevníka, Jana?En: Gleefully, Marek leaned toward the screen and said, "Do you recognize this kind of visitor, Jana?Sk: Pozri, to je Sofia, asi sa jej páčiš.En: Look, it's Sofia, she seems to like you."Sk: “Zatiaľ čo Lubomir snažil udržať telefón mimo dosahu zvieraťa, nezbedný jeleň strčil ňufák priamo na kameru.En: While Lubomir tried to keep the phone out of the animal's reach, the mischievous deer poked its snout right at the camera.Sk: Obraz na chvíľu zmizol, kým sa znovu neobjavil.En: The image disappeared for a moment before reappearing.