Dinosaur Dreams and Family Bonds: A Day at the Museum

FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Dinosaur Dreams and Family Bonds: A Day at the Museum Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/dinosaur-dreams-and-family-bonds-a-day-at-the-museum-2 Story Transcript:Sk: Milan sa nedočkavo pozrel na veľké hodiny vo vstupnej hale Múzea prírodných vied v Bratislave, kde s Katarínou čakali.En: Milan eagerly glanced at the large clock in the entrance hall of the Natural Science Museum in Bratislava, where he and Katarína were waiting.Sk: Leto bolo v plnom prúde a vzduch vonku bol horúci a ťažký.En: Summer was in full swing, and the air outside was hot and heavy.Sk: Už dlho sa tešili na návštevu dinosaurej výstavy.En: They had been looking forward to visiting the dinosaur exhibit for a long time.Sk: Dinosaury fascinovali Milana od detstva.En: Dinosaurs had fascinated Milan since childhood.Sk: Už pri vstupe do obrovských priestorov s vysokými stropmi cítil vzrušenie, ktoré stúpalo spolu s nadšením jeho malej sestry.En: As soon as he entered the enormous hall with high ceilings, he felt a thrill that rose along with the excitement of his little sister.Sk: "Milan! Pozri sa na toho veľkého tyrannosaura!" zvolala Katarína, ukazujúc prštek smerom k obrovskej kostre dinosaura, ktorá sa týčila nad nimi.En: "Milan! Look at that big Tyrannosaurus!" exclaimed Katarína, pointing her finger toward the gigantic dinosaur skeleton towering above them.Sk: Milan sa usmial.En: Milan smiled.Sk: Jeho plaché oči sa rozžiarili.En: His shy eyes lit up.Sk: Sestru mal veľmi rád, jej nadšenie bolo nákazlivé.En: He was very fond of his sister, and her enthusiasm was contagious.Sk: Chcel tento deň stráviť čo najlepšie a urobiť jej radosť.En: He wanted to make the most of this day and make her happy.Sk: Ale vedel, že musí byť opatrný.En: But he knew he needed to be careful.Sk: Jeho astma sa občas ozývala práve vtedy, keď bol najviac zaujatý niečím, čo mal rád.En: His asthma sometimes acted up precisely when he was most engrossed in something he loved.Sk: Prechádzali sa po výstave a Milan sa hlboko sústredil na tabule plné informácií o každom exponáte.En: They walked through the exhibit, with Milan deeply focused on the information boards for each display.Sk: V tom momente pocítil, že jeho dych začal byť ťažký.En: In that moment, he felt his breathing becoming heavy.Sk: Pokúšal sa to ignorovať, nechcel pokaziť deň Kataríne.En: He tried to ignore it, not wanting to ruin the day for Katarína.Sk: Ale jeho pľúca začali odmietať spolupracovať. Na čele mu vyrazili kvapky potu.En: But his lungs began to refuse to cooperate, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.Sk: Katarína, aj keď energická a hravá, bola veľmi všímavá.En: Katarína, energetic and playful though she was, was very observant.Sk: Okamžite si všimla, že niečo nie je v poriadku.En: She immediately noticed that something was wrong.Sk: "Bráško, si v poriadku?" opýtala sa so starosťou a pritlačila sa k nemu bližšie.En: "Brother, are you okay?" she asked with concern, pressing closer to him.Sk: Milan sa pokúsil usmiať, ale len cez zatvorené pery.En: Milan tried to smile, but only through closed lips.Sk: Snažil sa schovať obavy, no jeho dýchanie bolo čoraz namáhavejšie.En: He attempted to hide his worries, but his breathing grew increasingly labored.Sk: Nakoniec sa rozhodol, že riskovať nemôže.En: Finally, he decided he couldn't take the risk.Sk: "Katarína,...