Discovering Heartfelt Gifts Beyond The List
FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Discovering Heartfelt Gifts Beyond The List Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: V zasneženej štvrti chránenej vysokým plotom, kde len miestni poznali tajomstvo, sa v neďalekom trhovisku šíril ruch vianočných príprav.En: In the snow-covered district protected by a high fence, where only the locals knew the secret, the nearby marketplace was bustling with Christmas preparations.Sk: Marek, starostlivý manžel a otec, držal pevne v ruke úhľadný zoznam darčekov.En: Marek, a caring husband and father, held a neat list of gifts firmly in his hand.Sk: Jeho oči sa každým okamihom zamračili, keď zvonku prenikol chladný vietor.En: His eyes furrowed with each passing moment as a chilly wind seeped in from the outside.Sk: Vedel, že musí nájsť ten dokonalý darček pre Tatianu, svoju milujúcu manželku, ktorú chcel prekvapiť.En: He knew he had to find the perfect gift for Tatiana, his loving wife, whom he wanted to surprise.Sk: Tatiana sa zatiaľ tešila z každého zvuku a vône marketu.En: Meanwhile, Tatiana delighted in every sound and scent of the market.Sk: Úsmev na tvári mala od ucha k uchu, keď kráčala vedľa Mareka, zatiaľ čo Juraj, ich syn, pobehoval sem a tam, očarený všetkými možnosťami.En: She wore a smile from ear to ear as she walked beside Marek, while Juraj, their son, darted around, enchanted by all the possibilities.Sk: Pre Juraja bol tento trh plný možností, ktoré ho neprestávali lákať.En: For Juraj, this market was full of opportunities that never ceased to fascinate him.Sk: „Marek, nemôžeme skúsiť niečo iné ako ten zoznam?En: "Marek, can't we try something different than the list?"Sk: “ navrhla Tatiana, zatiaľ čo okolo ich uší ladne zazneli koledy.En: suggested Tatiana as carols gently echoed around their ears.Sk: Marek sa neochotne zastavil pri hutníkom preplnených stánkoch, pohľad bojujúci medzi úzkosťou a zvedavosťou.En: Marek reluctantly stopped by the bustling booths filled with goods, his gaze torn between anxiety and curiosity.Sk: „Ale máme plán…“ začal, no jeho hlas sa strácal v jase Tatianinho úsmevu.En: "But we have a plan…" he began, but his voice faded in the brightness of Tatiana's smile.Sk: „Oci, poď, je tu toľko vecí, ktoré by sme mohli preskúmať!En: "Dad, come on, there are so many things we could explore here!"Sk: “ Juraj zvolal zanietene, ťahajúc otca do hustoty davu.En: Juraj called out enthusiastically, pulling his father into the thick of the crowd.Sk: Marek zhlboka vydýchol.En: Marek took a deep breath.Sk: S povzbudením od rodiny odložil zoznam do vrecka.En: Encouraged by his family, he slipped the list into his pocket.Sk: Po pár chvíľach Marek našiel niečo zvláštne.En: After a few moments, Marek found something extraordinary.Sk: Bolo to malé drevené srdce, ručne vyrezávané s jemnými motívmi snežienok, krehké ako jeho city.En: It was a small wooden heart, hand-carved with delicate snowdrop motifs, as fragile as his emotions.Sk: Pri dotyku srdce hovorilo príbehy o láske, presne také, ktoré chcel Tatiane vyjadriť.En: At the touch, the heart told stories of love, just the kind he wanted to express to Tatiana.Sk: Tatiana a Juraj sledovali očarovaného Mareka s úsmevom.En: Tatiana and Juraj watched the enchanted Marek with a smile.Sk: „To je ono,“ povedala Tatiana jemne.En: "That's it," Tatiana said gently.Sk: Marek sa usmial, prvýkrát uvoľnený v chaose trhoviska.