Embrace of Fate: Love Blooms in Aisle Five
FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by FluentFiction.org
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Embrace of Fate: Love Blooms in Aisle Five Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/embrace-of-fate-love-blooms-in-aisle-five Story Transcript:Sk: V malom mestečku, kde každý poznal každého, sa stala jedna nečakaná zmiešanica.En: In a small town where everyone knew each other, an unexpected mix-up occurred.Sk: Jana, žena s veselými očami a neustále s nákupnou taškou po boku, si vybrala sobotňajšie dopoludnie na to, aby doplnila zásoby v miestnom obchode.En: Jana, a woman with cheerful eyes and a shopping bag constantly by her side, chose Saturday morning to replenish supplies at the local store.Sk: Otvorila dvere a vstúpila dovnútra, kde sa miešala vôňa čerstvého pečiva a ovocia.En: She opened the doors and stepped inside, where the scent of fresh bread and fruit mingled.Sk: V tom pred ňou stanul Peter, hoci to ešte netušila.En: Unbeknownst to her, Peter stood before her.Sk: Oblečený v modrom svetri, podobne ako nejaký starý priateľ, ktorého Jana dávno nevidela.En: He was dressed in a blue sweater, similar to an old friend Jana hadn't seen in a long time.Sk: Bez premýšľania nabrala dych, rozbehla sa smerom k Petrovi a s radosťou ho objala, zahalujúc ho do prázdnej nákupnej tašky.En: Without hesitation, she took a breath, hurried towards Peter and joyfully embraced him, enveloping him in her empty shopping bag.Sk: Peter, ktorý si práve vyberal mandarínky, zostal absolútne ohromený.En: Peter, who was choosing mandarins at the time, was completely stunned.Sk: Nikdy predtým Janu nevidel, ale jeho povaha nebola taká, aby čelil konfliktom.En: He had never seen Jana before, but his nature was not to confront conflicts.Sk: Preto na moment privrel oči a nechal to tak.En: So, for a moment, he closed his eyes and let it be.Sk: Keď sa Jana uvedomila, že objíma neznámu osobu, zaliala sa červenou.En: When Jana realized she was hugging a stranger, she turned red with embarrassment.Sk: "Prepáčte, myslela som, že ste niekto iný," stihla vykoktať Jana, kým sa odtiahla do bezpečnej vzdialenosti.En: "Sorry, I thought you were someone else," Jana stuttered, stepping back to a safe distance.Sk: Peter, ešte stále trochu zaskočený, sa usmial a povedal: "To nič, horšie veci sa už stali.En: Still a little taken aback, Peter smiled and said, "It's okay, worse things have happened.Sk: Ako sa voláte?En: What's your name?"Sk: ""I'm Jana," odpovedala, tentoraz s väčšou opatrnosťou.En: "I'm Jana," she replied, this time more cautiously.Sk: "Peter," predstavil sa s úsmevom.En: "I'm Peter," he introduced himself with a smile.Sk: Rozhovor pokračoval medzi regálmi plnými konzervovaného tovaru a oboma sa začali smiať na svojom nešťastnom začiatku.En: The conversation continued among the shelves full of canned goods, and both of them laughed at their awkward beginning.Sk: Nakoniec Jana pomohla Petrovi vybrať najmäkšie mandarínky a on jej ukázal, kde v obchode nájde najlepší čokoládový koláč.En: In the end, Jana helped Peter pick the softest mandarins, and he showed her where to find the best chocolate cake in the store.Sk: Vzájomný omyl a prekvapujúce objatie ich spojili.En: The mutual mistake and the surprising embrace brought them together.Sk: Jana s Petrom zistili, že v malom mestečku si ešte stále môžu nájsť nových priateľov, dokonca aj v obyčajnom obchode s potravinami.En: Jana and Peter realized that in a small town, they could still find new friends, even in an ordinary grocery store.