Exploring Bratislava Castle: A Journey Through History
FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by FluentFiction.org
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Exploring Bratislava Castle: A Journey Through History Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/exploring-bratislava-castle-a-journey-through-history Story Transcript:Sk: Na vysokom kopci nad mestom, Bratislava hrdě stávala.En: On a high hill above the city, Bratislava stood proudly.Sk: Martin, mladý chlapec s jasnými očami, sa tešil na tento deň.En: Martin, a young boy with bright eyes, was looking forward to this day.Sk: Jeho trieda bola na výlete.En: His class was on a trip.Sk: Cieľ?En: The destination?Sk: Bratislavský hrad.En: Bratislava Castle.Sk: Ráno bol na oblohe modrý oblak a slnko svietilo.En: In the morning, there was a blue cloud in the sky, and the sun was shining.Sk: Deti stáli pred hradom.En: The children stood in front of the castle.Sk: Učiteľka pani Nováková mala veľký úsmev.En: Their teacher, Mrs. Nováková, had a big smile.Sk: Rozprávala o hrade.En: She talked about the castle.Sk: "Tento hrad je starý a veľmi dôležitý," povedala.En: "This castle is old and very important," she said.Sk: Martin si predstavoval rytierov a kráľov, ktorí tu žili.En: Martin imagined knights and kings who lived here.Sk: Vošiel dnu a videl veľké miestnosti s krásnymi obrazmi.En: He entered and saw large rooms with beautiful paintings.Sk: "Pozrite sa na ten obraz kráľa," ukázala pani Nováková.En: "Look at that painting of the king," Mrs. Nováková pointed out.Sk: "To je kráľ Svätopluk.En: "That is King Svätopluk.Sk: Bol veľmi mocný.En: He was very powerful."Sk: "Martin bol fascinovaný.En: Martin was fascinated.Sk: Miloval históriu.En: He loved history.Sk: Prechádzali chodbami a videli staré zbrane a brnenie.En: They walked through corridors and saw old weapons and armor.Sk: "Aké to asi bolo, byť rytierom?En: "What was it like to be a knight?"Sk: " rozmýšľal.En: he wondered.Sk: Potom počúvali o kráľovi Matejovi Korvínovi.En: Then they listened to the story of King Matthias Corvinus.Sk: "Bol múdry a spravodlivý," povedala pani Nováková.En: "He was wise and just," said Mrs. Nováková.Sk: Martin si ho ihneď obľúbil.En: Martin immediately liked him.Sk: Po niekoľkých hodinách prišli na vrchol hradu.En: After a few hours, they reached the top of the castle.Sk: Výhľad na Bratislavu bol nádherný.En: The view of Bratislava was magnificent.Sk: Všetci sa zastavili a obdivovali mesto.En: Everyone stopped and admired the city.Sk: "Bratislava je krásna a hrad je jej koruna," povedala pani Nováková.En: "Bratislava is beautiful, and the castle is its crown," said Mrs. Nováková.Sk: Martin sa usmial.En: Martin smiled.Sk: Bol to koniec výletu.En: The trip was coming to an end.Sk: Classa sa zhromaždila dole pri bráne.En: The class gathered down by the gate.Sk: Pani Nováková mala ešte jednú historku.En: Mrs. Nováková had one more story.Sk: "Pamätajte si deti, tento hrad je srdce našej krajiny.En: "Remember, children, this castle is the heart of our country.Sk: Je to dedictvo, ktoré musíme chrániť.En: It is a heritage we must protect."Sk: " Martin sa pozeral na hrad a cítil hrdosť.En: Martin looked at the castle and felt proud.Sk: Bola to krásna lekcia a nezabudnuteľný deň.En: It was a beautiful...