Family Tales and Traditions at Spiš Castle's Folk Festival
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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Family Tales and Traditions at Spiš Castle's Folk Festival Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Na kraji malého mesta Stará Ľubovňa je krásny Spišský hrad.En: At the edge of the small town of Stará Ľubovňa lies the beautiful Spiš Castle.Sk: Na hrad prichádzali ľudia z celého Slovenska.En: People from all over Slovakia came to visit the castle.Sk: Dnes je tradičný slovenský ľudový festival.En: Today, there is a traditional Slovak folk festival.Sk: Farby krojov sú viditeľné všade.En: The colors of the folk costumes are visible everywhere.Sk: Jana, Marek a ich malá dcéra Lucia sa vybrali na hrad.En: Jana, Marek, and their little daughter Lucia set out for the castle.Sk: Mali sme plán stretnúť sa s rodinou.En: They had planned to meet their family.Sk: Marek držal Luciu za ruku a Jana niesla košík s jedlom.En: Marek held Lucia's hand, and Jana carried a basket of food.Sk: "Pozri, Lucia, to je Spišský hrad," povedala Jana s úsmevom.En: "Look, Lucia, that is Spiš Castle," said Jana with a smile.Sk: V hrade boli stánky s jedlom, ručne vyrobené predmety a muzikanti hrali tradičné piesne.En: In the castle, there were food stalls, handmade items, and musicians playing traditional songs.Sk: Marek vedel, že jeho brat Juraj bude pri stánku s medovinou.En: Marek knew his brother Juraj would be at the mead stall.Sk: Prišli k nemu a každý si dal pohárik.En: They approached him, and everyone had a small glass.Sk: "Ahoj, Juraj," zvolal Marek.En: "Hello, Juraj," Marek called out.Sk: "Toto je Lucia.En: "This is Lucia.Sk: Pozri, ako už vyrástla.En: Look how much she has grown."Sk: "Juraj sa zasmial a objal Marka.En: Juraj laughed and hugged Marek.Sk: "Lucia, máš krásne šaty.En: "Lucia, your dress is beautiful.Sk: Páči sa ti hrad?En: Do you like the castle?"Sk: " opýtal sa Juraj a podal dievčaťu malý medový koláčik.En: Juraj asked and handed the little girl a small honey cake.Sk: Lucia s radosťou kývla hlavou.En: Lucia nodded joyfully.Sk: Pozrela sa na steny hradu a na strechy, ktoré sa trblietali na slnku.En: She looked at the castle walls and the roofs glittering in the sunlight.Sk: Marek s Janou vzali Luciu do náručia a išli sa pozrieť na výhľad z veže.En: Marek and Jana picked Lucia up and went to see the view from the tower.Sk: Z vrcholu veže bol nádherný výhľad na okolie.En: From the top of the tower, there was a magnificent view of the surroundings.Sk: Polia kvitli a rieka sa kľukatila krajinou.En: Fields were in bloom, and the river wound through the landscape.Sk: Jana a Marek cítili pokoj.En: Jana and Marek felt at peace.Sk: Takéto chvíle ich spájali a privádzali bližšie k sebe.En: Moments like these brought them closer together.Sk: Pod hradom sa začalo divadlo o histórii Spišského hradu.En: Under the castle, a play about the history of Spiš Castle began.Sk: Ľudia sedeli na tráve a deti behali okolo.En: People sat on the grass, and children ran around.Sk: Marek držal Luciu na kolenách, aby mala dobrý výhľad.En: Marek held Lucia on his lap so she had a good view.Sk: Lucia sledovala predstavenie s očami dokorán.En: Lucia watched the performance with wide eyes.Sk: Keď sa predstavenie skončilo,...