Festival Faux Pas: Lukas' Boozy Blunder

FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Festival Faux Pas: Lukas' Boozy Blunder Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/festival-faux-pas-lukas-boozy-blunder Story Transcript:Sk: V jednej malej dedinke na Slovensku, obklopenej zelenými lúkami a vysokými horami, sa chystala veľká oslava.En: In a small village in Slovakia, surrounded by green meadows and tall mountains, a big celebration was being prepared.Sk: Bola to doba, keď sa celá dedina schádzala, aby si spolu pochutnala na dobrých jedlách, počúvala veselú muziku a tancovala až do rána.En: It was a time when the whole village gathered to enjoy good food, listen to cheerful music, and dance until morning.Sk: Lukáš, Petra a Jana boli medzi najzaneprázdnenejšími obyvateľmi dediny, pretože práve oni mali na starosti prípravu sviatku.En: Lukas, Petra, and Jana were among the busiest villagers, as they were in charge of preparing for the festival.Sk: Práve dnes bol výnimočný deň, keď sa slávil deň svätého Juraja, patróna ich dedinky.En: Today was an exceptional day as they celebrated the feast of St. George, the village's patron saint.Sk: Petra piekla chlieb a koláče, pálene toho najsladšieho ovocia, Jana viazala kytičky a venčeky, ktoré zdobili drevené stoly a Lukáš mal na starosti ozdobenie hlavného stánku.En: Petra baked bread and cakes, distilled the sweetest fruit brandy, Jana made bouquets and wreaths that adorned the wooden tables, and Lukas was in charge of decorating the main stand.Sk: Slávnosti sa začali skoro ráno a trvali až do polnoci.En: The festivities began early in the morning and lasted until midnight.Sk: Vôňa pečeného mäsa, sladkých koláčov a voňavých kvetov naplnila celé námestie.En: The scent of roasted meat, sweet pastries, and fragrant flowers filled the entire square.Sk: Hudba znela veselým rytmom a všade okolo sa rozliehali smiech a reči dedinčanov.En: Music played with a cheerful rhythm, and laughter and conversations of the villagers echoed everywhere.Sk: Avšak stalo sa niečo neočakávané.En: However, something unexpected happened.Sk: Keď sa slnko pomaly ukrylo za kopce a všetci si užívali hostinu, Lukáš si chcel len trochu osviežiť hrdlo.En: As the sun slowly set behind the hills and everyone enjoyed the feast, Lukas just wanted to quench his thirst.Sk: Pochopiteľne, s pivom a vínom na stole, nečakal, že sa jednoducho napije vody.En: Naturally, with beer and wine on the table, he did not expect to simply drink water.Sk: Bez toho, aby to tušil, siahnu na fliašku čírej tekutiny a náhle z nej hltne veľký dúšok.En: Without realizing it, he reached for a bottle of clear liquid and suddenly took a big gulp.Sk: Lenže to nebola voda – bola to slivovica!En: However, it was not water – it was plum brandy!Sk: A hoci Lukáš bol hrdý na svoju odolnosť k alkoholu, dnes bol dostatočne zmätený, aby to pochopil príliš neskoro.En: Although Lukas was proud of his alcohol tolerance, today he was confused enough to realize it too late.Sk: Akoby okamih, pošepky si nejaká iskra odvahy a veselosti našla cestu do Lukášovho srdca.En: As if in an instant, a spark of courage and cheer found its way into Lukas' heart.Sk: Stal sa stredobodom pozornosti. Začal rozprávať historky z mladosti, jeden vtip za druhým, a jeho slová malo čím ďalej, tým viac bravúrne fabulácie a smiech, ktorý vyvolávali, sa rozliehal celým námestím.En: He became the center of attention, telling stories from his youth, one joke after another, and his words, with increasingly brilliant storytelling and the laughter they evoked, echoed...