Finding Connection in the Snowy Streets of Prague
FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Finding Connection in the Snowy Streets of Prague Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: V Prahe bola zima.En: In Prague, it was winter.Sk: Sneh pokrýval kamenné ulice, svetlá svietili na starobylých budovách a vôňa perníkov a vareného vína sa šírila vianočnými trhmi.En: Snow covered the cobblestone streets, lights shone on the ancient buildings, and the scent of gingerbread and mulled wine wafted through the Christmas markets.Sk: Bolo to čaro Vianoc na každom kroku.En: It was the magic of Christmas at every turn.Sk: Jedného večera sa tím spoločnosti vydal na teambuildingový pobyt do tohto kúzelného mesta.En: One evening, the company's team set out on a teambuilding trip to this enchanting city.Sk: Jakub, introvertný softvérový vývojár, sa cítil trochu stratený.En: Jakub, an introverted software developer, felt a little lost.Sk: Vianočné prázdniny vždy robili jeho vnútro neistým.En: Christmas holidays always made him feel uncertain inside.Sk: Chcel sa zapojiť do diania, ale skupinové aktivity a veselá atmosféra ho robili nervóznym.En: He wanted to join in the activities, but group activities and the cheerful atmosphere made him nervous.Sk: Jeho tajnou túžbou bolo prehĺbiť vzťah s Ivetou, kolegyňou, ktorá mu vždy pripadala zaujímavá a milá.En: His secret desire was to deepen his relationship with Iveta, a colleague he always found interesting and kind.Sk: Iveta, plná energie a smiechu, sa tešila na prechádzku vianočným trhom.En: Iveta, full of energy and laughter, was looking forward to a stroll through the Christmas market.Sk: Toto bol čas, kedy mohla aj ona spoznať kolegov z iného uhla.En: This was a time when she could also get to know her colleagues from a different perspective.Sk: Marek, ďalší kolega, nadšene organizoval celú prehliadku.En: Marek, another colleague, was enthusiastically organizing the entire tour.Sk: Jakub hľadal odvahu pridať sa, no myšlienka byť súčasťou veľkej skupiny ho znepokojovala.En: Jakub searched for the courage to join, but the thought of being part of a large group unnerved him.Sk: Keď prišiel večer, skupina sa zhromaždila na odchod.En: When evening came, the group gathered to leave.Sk: Jakub bojoval s rozhodnutím.En: Jakub struggled with the decision.Sk: Už sa rozhodol, že ostane na hoteli, ale pohľad na Ivetu, ktorá sa práve smiala niečomu, čo Marek povedal, ho presvedčil.En: He had already decided to stay at the hotel, but the sight of Iveta, who was just laughing at something Marek had said, persuaded him.Sk: Zmenil názor a pridal sa.En: He changed his mind and joined them.Sk: Vyrazili do mesta.En: They set off into the city.Sk: Praha bola krásna, jej ulice ožívali svetlom a farbami.En: Prague was beautiful, its streets alive with light and colors.Sk: Jakub sa snažil držať s ostatnými, no keď zastavili pri stánku s trdelníkom, bol zrazu osamotený.En: Jakub tried to keep up with the others, but when they stopped at a stall with trdelník, he suddenly found himself alone.Sk: Skupina zmizla v dave.En: The group disappeared into the crowd.Sk: Začal sa rozhliadať, ale všade boli ľudia a svetlá.En: He started to look around, but there were people and lights everywhere.Sk: Jeho úzkosť rástla.En: His anxiety grew.Sk: Ale potom sa jeho očami stretli s Ivetinými, ktorá sa tiež obzerala.En: But then his eyes met...