Finding Courage and Friendship Beneath the Christmas Lights
FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Finding Courage and Friendship Beneath the Christmas Lights Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Vianočné svetlá žiarili po chodbách gymnázia, kde študenti netrpezlivo čakali na prázdniny.En: The Christmas lights shone along the corridors of the gymnázia, where students eagerly awaited the holidays.Sk: V triede sa učili fyziku.En: In the classroom, they were learning physics.Sk: Voľné chvíle Jozef trávil pozorovaním Márii, ktorá sedela vpredu.En: In his free moments, Jozef spent his time observing Mária, who sat at the front.Sk: Bol to deň plný vzrušenia, no Jozef sa cítil nervózne.En: It was a day full of excitement, but Jozef felt nervous.Sk: Chcel sa poďakovať Márii, ktorá vždy pomáhala ostatným, ale nevedel, ako na to.En: He wanted to thank Mária, who always helped others, but he didn't know how.Sk: Počas hodiny učiteľ hovoril o gravitácii, keď z ničoho nič Mária začala kašľať.En: During the lesson, the teacher was talking about gravity when, out of nowhere, Mária started coughing.Sk: Jej tvár sa objavila červená, a všetci v triede zbadali jej ťažkosti.En: Her face turned red, and everyone in the class noticed her distress.Sk: "To je Mária!En: "That's Mária!"Sk: " vykríkol Tomáš, keď zbadal, že sa nevie nadýchnuť.En: exclaimed Tomáš as he saw that she couldn’t breathe.Sk: Jozef okamžite vedel, že ide o astmatický záchvat.En: Jozef immediately knew it was an asthma attack.Sk: O chvíľu sa jeho srdce začalo búšiť.En: His heart started racing.Sk: Nechcel sa dostať do centra pozornosti.En: He didn't want to become the center of attention.Sk: Pamätal si ale, že videl Máriin inhalátor na jej lavici, v jej malom modrom peračníku.En: But he remembered seeing Mária's inhaler on her desk, in her small blue pencil case.Sk: Toto bola jeho šanca.En: This was his chance.Sk: S pocitom, že nie je cesty späť, postavil sa a srdce mu bilo ako bubon.En: With a feeling that there was no turning back, he stood up, his heart pounding like a drum.Sk: So všetkým odvahou sa predrali cez lavice a otvoril modrý peračník.En: With all the courage he could muster, he pushed through the desks and opened the blue pencil case.Sk: Vytiahol inhalátor a podal ho Márii, ktorá stále lapala po dychu.En: He pulled out the inhaler and handed it to Mária, who was still gasping for air.Sk: Mária použila inhalátor a jej dýchanie sa pomaly vrátilo do normálu.En: Mária used the inhaler, and her breathing slowly returned to normal.Sk: Celá trieda mlčky sledovala túto scénu.En: The whole class silently watched this scene unfold.Sk: Keď Mária znovu stabilne dýchala, otočila sa k Jozefovi so slzami v očiach.En: When Mária was breathing steadily again, she turned to Jozef with tears in her eyes.Sk: "Ďakujem, Jozef," povedala ticho, ale s veľkým pocitom úľavy.En: "Thank you, Jozef," she said quietly, but with great relief.Sk: V tejto chvíli Jozef vedel, že musí prekonať svoju hanblivosť.En: In that moment, Jozef knew he had to overcome his shyness.Sk: "Nie je to nič," povedal Jozef, jeho hlas trochu trasľavý, "chcem ti len poďakovať za všetko, čo robíš pre nás všetkých.En: "It's nothing," Jozef said, his voice a little shaky, "I just want to thank you for everything you do for all of us.Sk: Ty vždy pomáhaš, a ja chcem byť tvojím priateľom.En: You always help, and I want to...