Finding Light: Marek's Journey Through Fog and Fear
FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by

Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Finding Light: Marek's Journey Through Fog and Fear Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Marek sa potkýnal po vlhkej zemi Bieleho močiaru.En: Marek stumbled through the damp ground of Bieleho Močiara.Sk: Cítil, ako sa mu chladný, silný vietor zarýva pod kabát.En: He felt the cold, strong wind piercing under his coat.Sk: V zime je močiarny kraj nehostinný a dnes ho zakrývala hustá hmla.En: In winter, the marshland is inhospitable, and today it was covered in thick fog.Sk: Nevidel si ani na špičku vlastného nosa.En: He couldn't even see the tip of his own nose.Sk: V hlave mu stále vŕtali rady Ivety.En: In his mind, Iveta's advice kept echoing.Sk: "Pokiľ sa stratíš, využívaj všetky zmysly.En: "If you get lost, use all your senses.Sk: Počúvaj zvuky, cítiť ich môžeš lepšie ako vidieť.En: Listen to sounds; you can sense them better than seeing."Sk: "Marek cítil strach.En: Marek felt fear.Sk: Stratil zrak.En: He lost his sight.Sk: Všetko začalo v momente, keď cez hustú hmlovinu prival iba hluché ticho.En: Everything started in the moment when the thick fog brought only deafening silence.Sk: Zavrel oči a snažil sa počúvať všetko, čo ho obklopuje.En: He closed his eyes and tried to listen to everything surrounding him.Sk: Kroky po blate, šum lístia, slabé čvirikanie vtáctva.En: Steps in the mud, the rustle of leaves, faint chirping of birds.Sk: Snažil sa spätne vybaviť, čo mu o tejto oblasti hovorila Jana, jeho priateľka.En: He tried to recall what Jana, his girlfriend, had told him about this area.Sk: Ona bola skutočne nebojácna.En: She was truly fearless.Sk: "Na kraji močiaru je stará cesta," povedala mu raz.En: "At the edge of the marsh, there's an old road," she had once said.Sk: "Je to bezpečné miesto.En: "It's a safe place."Sk: "Bez zraku bol Marek dosť zraniteľný.En: Without sight, Marek was quite vulnerable.Sk: Vedel to a obával sa toho.En: He knew it and was afraid of it.Sk: Vždy sa spoliehal len sám na seba.En: He always relied on himself.Sk: Ale teraz potreboval pomoc.En: But now he needed help.Sk: Počul, že nedaleko od neho prejde auto.En: He heard a car pass nearby.Sk: Je to jeho šanca.En: This was his chance.Sk: "Pomoc!En: "Help!"Sk: " zvolal do ticha.En: he called into the silence.Sk: "Pomôžte mi!En: "Help me!"Sk: " Jeho hlas zanikol v hmle, ale potom sa snažil ešte raz.En: His voice was lost in the fog, but then he tried again.Sk: Musel sa spoľahnúť na to, že niekto bude počuť jeho volanie.En: He had to rely on someone hearing his call.Sk: Potreboval ich priniesť k sebe.En: He needed to bring them to him.Sk: Po chvíli, ktorá sa zdala nekonečná, počul hlasy.En: After a moment that seemed endless, he heard voices.Sk: Ľudia odpovedali na jeho výkriky.En: People responded to his cries.Sk: "Tu sme!En: "Here we are!Sk: Počuli sme ťa, ideme k tebe!En: We heard you, we're coming to you!"Sk: " Boli to turistickí nadšenci, ktorí, nevysvetiteľne, práve prechádzali okolo.En: They were hiking enthusiasts who, inexplicably, were just passing by.Sk: S ich pomocou sa pomaly presunul k bezpečiu.En: With their help, he slowly moved to safety.Sk:...