Finding Peace: A Weekend at the Tatry Cabin
FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by

Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Finding Peace: A Weekend at the Tatry Cabin Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Zhlboka sa nadýchni a uvoľni, povedal si Marek, keď auto zastavilo pred malou drevenou chatou v srdci Tatier.En: "Take a deep breath and relax," Marek told himself as the car stopped in front of a small wooden cabin in the heart of the Tatry.Sk: Vonku sa sneh ticho znášal z oblohy, pokrývajúc všetko bielym závojom.En: Outside, snow quietly floated down from the sky, covering everything with a white veil.Sk: Svetlo z okien chaty vytváralo príjemnú, teplú atmosféru, kde sa už len pohľadom dala cítiť vôňa dreva a hučanie krbu.En: Light from the cabin windows created a pleasant, warm atmosphere where you could almost smell the wood and hear the crackling of the fireplace just by looking.Sk: Jana vyskočila z auta plná energie.En: Jana jumped out of the car full of energy.Sk: "Pozri, Marek, aké je to tu krásne!" usmiala sa, jej oči žiarili nadšením.En: "Look, Marek, how beautiful it is here!" she smiled, her eyes shining with excitement.Sk: Bol Mikuláš, deň plný radosti a maličkostí radosti, ktoré milovala.En: It was Mikuláš day, a day full of joy and little pleasures she loved.Sk: Marek zabočil pohľad.En: Marek looked away.Sk: "Áno, je to pekné," odvetil a myslel si, že by sa mal už teraz sústrediť na to, prečo sem prišli.En: "Yes, it's nice," he replied, thinking he should focus on why they had come here.Sk: Táto malá chata na konci sveta mala byť ich útočiskom, príležitosťou zabudnúť na všetky starosti.En: This small cabin at the end of the world was supposed to be their refuge, an opportunity to forget all worries.Sk: Ale jeho myseľ sa ešte stále túlala po chodníkoch budúcnosti, zamotaná v práci a plánoch, ktoré ho trápili.En: But his mind still wandered along the paths of the future, tangled in work and plans that troubled him.Sk: Vošli do chaty, ich kroky ozvučili drevené podlahy.En: They entered the cabin, their footsteps echoing on the wooden floors.Sk: Jana odložila tašky, zasmiala sa a hneď sa pustila do rozkladania darčekov na Mikuláša.En: Jana put down the bags, laughed, and immediately started laying out gifts for Mikuláš.Sk: Všetko bolo pripravené; košík s čokoládou a drobnostkami pre Mareka, ktorým chcela pripomenúť, že mali užívať každý okamih spolu.En: Everything was ready; a basket with chocolate and little trinkets for Marek, reminding him to enjoy every moment together.Sk: "Nechajme starosti za dverami, dobre?" navrhla.En: "Let's leave worries at the door, okay?" she suggested.Sk: Večer prišiel rýchlo.En: Evening came quickly.Sk: Krb praskal a vyžaroval teplo, keď si Marek a Jana popíjali šálky horúcej čokolády.En: The fireplace crackled and radiated warmth as Marek and Jana sipped mugs of hot chocolate.Sk: Vtedy Jana naťukla: "Poďme na prechádzku, vonku je nádherne!"En: Then Jana suggested, "Let's go for a walk, it's beautiful outside!"Sk: Marek sa chcel najprv vyhovoriť, ale niečo v jej očiach ho presvedčilo.En: Marek wanted to make an excuse at first, but something in her eyes convinced him.Sk: Vonku svietil mesiac, sneh sa ligotal pod jeho svetlom.En: Outside, the moon was shining, and the snow glistened under its light.Sk: Chodili bok po boku, dýchali mrazivý vzduch a počúvali tichý šum v tatranskom lese.En: They walked side by side, breathing in the crisp air and listening to the quiet rustle in...