From Canceled Flights to Holiday Harmony: A Journey Home

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: From Canceled Flights to Holiday Harmony: A Journey Home Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Jana stála na letisku v Bratislave, medzi množstvom ľudí.En: Jana stood at the airport in Bratislava, among a throng of people.Sk: Všade boli prítomné vianočné dekorácie.En: Christmas decorations were present everywhere.Sk: Stromčeky s trblietavými ozdobami a zvuk koled vytváral akési čaro.En: Trees with glittering ornaments and the sound of carols created a sort of magic.Sk: Janu však zdobenie a hudba tešili menej.En: But the decorations and music pleased Jana less.Sk: V ušiach jej stále znelo oznámenie: "Vaš let je zrušený.En: The announcement still rang in her ears: "Your flight is canceled."Sk: "Bola zúfalá.En: She was desperate.Sk: Vianoce sú predsa časom pre rodinu.En: After all, Christmas is a time for family.Sk: Chcela byť pri rodičoch doma v Žiline a cítila, že sny sa zo dňa na deň rozplynuli.En: She wanted to be with her parents at home in Žilina, and she felt like her dreams had dissolved overnight.Sk: Vedľa nej stála iná mladá žena.En: Next to her stood another young woman.Sk: Lucia.En: Lucia.Sk: "Sú nám v tom spolu, čo?En: "We're in it together, right?Sk: Tvoj let bol tiež zrušený?En: Was your flight canceled too?"Sk: " spýtala sa, pričom Jana priateľsky usmiala.En: she asked, while Jana smiled warmly.Sk: Jana prikývla a pocítila úľavu, že nie je sama.En: Jana nodded and felt relieved that she was not alone.Sk: Nahrať na vibrujúcu náladu prichádzajúceho davu niekoľkými hlbokými nádychmi, rozhliadla sa po letisku a nakoniec si všimla Mareka.En: Trying to lift her spirits in the bustling crowd, she took a few deep breaths, looked around the airport, and finally noticed Marek.Sk: Marek bol usmievavý zamestnanec letiska, ktorého úlohou bolo upokojenie cestujúcich.En: Marek was a cheerful airport employee whose role was to calm the passengers.Sk: "Môžem vám nejako pomôcť?En: "Can I help you with anything?"Sk: " spýtal sa, v hlase mal príjemný tón.En: he asked with a pleasant tone.Sk: Jana a Lucia mu zhrnuli svoje problémy.En: Jana and Lucia explained their problems to him.Sk: Marek ich pozorne počúval.En: Marek listened attentively.Sk: "Je tu jedna možnosť," povedal Marek.En: "There is one option," said Marek.Sk: "Vždy je možnosť prenajať si auto.En: "You can always rent a car.Sk: No je to riskantné pri tomto počasí.En: But it's risky in this weather."Sk: "Jana s Luciou sa na seba pozreli.En: Jana and Lucia looked at each other.Sk: Cítili, že treba niečo risknúť.En: They felt it was time to take a risk.Sk: "Viem riadiť v snehu.En: "I know how to drive in the snow.Sk: Spravme to!En: Let's do it!"Sk: " povedala Lucia s odhodlaním.En: said Lucia with determination.Sk: Marek im pomohol nájsť auto.En: Marek helped them find a car.Sk: Obslúžil ich v stánku, pričom sledoval farebné svetlá blikajúce na letisku.En: He served them at the booth, watching the colorful lights blinking at the airport.Sk: Napriek chaotickému prostrediu a zlej situácii, Jana pocítila príliv energie.En: Despite the chaotic environment and bad situation, Jana felt a surge of energy.Sk: Marek a Lucia jej dali nádej, ktorá...