From Delays to Triumph: Marek's Parisian Business Adventure

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: From Delays to Triumph: Marek's Parisian Business Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Marek sedel na tvrdej lavičke v letisku Bratislava.En: Marek sat on the hard bench in letisko Bratislava.Sk: Bol jeseň, vietor vonku fúkal listy okolo a obloha bola sivá.En: It was autumn, the wind outside blew leaves around, and the sky was gray.Sk: Marekovi pohľad spočinul na elektronickej tabuli s odletmi.En: Marekovi gaze rested on the electronic departure board.Sk: Červené písmená mu oznámili zlú správu – let do Paríža oneskorený.En: The red letters informed him of the bad news – the flight to Paris was delayed.Sk: Marek si povzdychol a pozrel na hodinky.En: Marek sighed and looked at his watch.Sk: Vedel, že má len tri hodiny do začiatku dôležitej schôdzky v Paríži.En: He knew he had only three hours until the start of an important meeting in Paris.Sk: Táto schôdzka mohla zmeniť budúcnosť jeho firmy, ale teraz to vyzeralo, že všetko je v ohrození.En: This meeting could change the future of his company, but now it looked like everything was at risk.Sk: Marek bol vždy presný a teraz mal pocit, že stráca kontrolu.En: Marek was always punctual, and now he felt like he was losing control.Sk: Rozhliadol sa po letisku.En: He looked around the airport.Sk: Rodičia s deťmi sa hrali s mobilmi, obchodní cestujúci písali na notebookoch a vôňa čerstvej kávy sa šírila vzduchom.En: Parents with children played with phones, business travelers typed on their laptops, and the smell of fresh coffee wafted through the air.Sk: Pri vedľajšom stĺpe stála žena.En: A woman stood by the nearby pillar.Sk: Mohla mať okolo tridsiatky.En: She might have been around thirty.Sk: Hnedé vlasy jej splývali po pleci a v ruke držala knihu.En: Her brown hair fell on her shoulder, and she held a book in her hand.Sk: Marek si všimol, že hľadá podobné tabule ako on.En: Marek noticed she was searching for similar boards as he was.Sk: "Ospravedlňujem sa," oslovil ju, "tiež čakáte na let do Paríža?En: "Excuse me," he addressed her, "are you also waiting for the flight to Paris?"Sk: ""Áno," odpovedala usmievavá Anna.En: "Yes," replied the smiling Anna.Sk: "Počula som, že je ešte jedna možnosť, iný let cez Viedeň.En: "I heard there is another option, a different flight through Vienna.Sk: Ale nie som si istá.En: But I'm not sure."Sk: "Marek pocítil iskierku nádeje.En: Marek felt a spark of hope.Sk: "Skutočne?En: "Really?Sk: Nebude to príliš riskantné?En: Won't that be too risky?"Sk: ""Možno.En: "Maybe."Sk: " Anna pokrčila plecami.En: Anna shrugged.Sk: "Ale niečo musíme skúsiť, ak chceme stihnúť naše plány.En: "But we have to try something if we want to make our plans."Sk: "Marek chvíľu premýšľal.En: Marek thought for a moment.Sk: Mal by skúsiť nájsť alternatívu?En: Should he try to find an alternative?Sk: Alebo čakať?En: Or wait?Sk: Rozhodol sa však, že niečo musí urobiť.En: He decided that he had to do something.Sk: S Anninou pomocou našli ďalší let a rýchlo ho rezervoval.En: With Anna's help, they found another flight and quickly booked it.Sk: Vo chvíli, keď sa rozhodli konať, pocítil, že čas beží rýchlejšie.En: The...