From Fear to Fortitude: Joseph's Lesson at Bratislava Castle

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: From Fear to Fortitude: Joseph's Lesson at Bratislava Castle Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Jozef stál pred bránou Bratislavského hradu.En: Joseph stood in front of the gate of Bratislava Castle.Sk: Bol to krásny deň a slnko žiarilo na modrej oblohe.En: It was a beautiful day and the sun was shining in the blue sky.Sk: Učiteľka Márie viedla školský výlet po nádhernej starej budove.En: Maria's teacher was leading a school trip through the magnificent old building.Sk: Deti sa tešili, ale Jozef mal problémy. Zabudol svoju domácu úlohu.En: The children were excited, but Joseph had a problem. He had forgotten his homework.Sk: Prechádzal sa po nádvorí a premýšľal, čo povedať učiteľke.En: He wandered around the courtyard, thinking about what to tell the teacher.Sk: Chcel byť úprimný, ale bál sa, že sa na neho bude hnevať.En: He wanted to be honest but was afraid she would be angry with him.Sk: Prišli do historického sálu so starými obrazmi a tapisériami.En: They entered a historic hall filled with old paintings and tapestries.Sk: Jozef sa cítil stiesnene. Musel nájsť spôsob, ako to vysvetliť.En: Joseph felt uneasy. He had to find a way to explain.Sk: Narazil na malý kút v miestnosti, kde bola stolička a stolík.En: He stumbled upon a small corner in the room with a chair and a table.Sk: Rozhodol sa tam počkať na príležitosť a vymyslieť dobrú výhovorku.En: He decided to wait there for an opportunity and think of a good excuse.Sk: Zrazu zazvonil školský zvon a učiteľka Márie zavolala deti naspäť na nádvorie.En: Suddenly, the school bell rang and Maria's teacher called the children back to the courtyard.Sk: Jozef sa pridal k ostatným deťom a učiteľka sa na neho pozrela.En: Joseph joined the other children, and the teacher looked at him.Sk: „Jozef, kde je tvoja domáca úloha?“ spýtala sa prísne.En: Joseph, where is your homework? she asked sternly.Sk: Jozef cítil, akoby mu srdce chcelo vyskočiť z hrude. Rozmýšľal, ako odpovedať.En: Joseph felt as if his heart was about to jump out of his chest. He thought about how to respond.Sk: „Pani učiteľka,“ začal váhavo, „zabudol som domácu úlohu doma. Ale v noci som sa učil o histórii hradu. Prečítal som veľa kníh a písal poznámky.“En: Ms. Teacher, he began hesitantly, I forgot my homework at home. But last night I studied the history of the castle. I read many books and took notes.Sk: Učiteľka sa na chvíľu zamyslela a potom sa usmiala. „To je zaujímavé, Jozef. Povedz nám niečo, čo si sa naučil,“ povedala.En: The teacher thought for a moment and then smiled. That's interesting, Joseph. Tell us something you learned, she said.Sk: Jozef ožil. Začal rozprávať o kráľovi, čo kedysi žil v hrade, o bitkách, ktoré sa tu odohrali, a o tajných chodbách pod hradom.En: Joseph brightened up. He started talking about the king who once lived in the castle, the battles that took place there, and the secret passages beneath the castle.Sk: Deti aj učiteľka ho počúvali so záujmom.En: Both the children and the teacher listened with interest.Sk: Keď skončil, učiteľka povedala: „Jozef, v budúcnosti musíš nosiť domácu úlohu, ale dnes si nás všetkých zaujal. Dnes si dostal druhú šancu.“En: When he finished, the teacher said, Joseph, in the future you must bring your homework, but today you have captivated us all. Today, you get a second chance.