From Shy to Bold: Simon's Summer of Transformation

FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: From Shy to Bold: Simon's Summer of Transformation Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: V ten teplý letný večer, na okraji malého slovenského dedinky, bola internátna škola plná očakávania.En: On that warm summer evening, on the edge of a small Slovak village, a boarding school was filled with anticipation.Sk: Cez deň sem-tam prebehli študenti, pripravujúc sa na záverečnú letnú oslavu.En: During the day, students occasionally ran around, preparing for the final summer celebration.Sk: Vo vzduchu bola cítiť vôňa pečených klobás a sladkej kukurice.En: The air was filled with the scent of grilled sausages and sweet corn.Sk: Vo veľkej spoločenskej miestnosti viseli farebné balóniky a stuhy.En: Colorful balloons and ribbons hung in the large common room.Sk: Medzi všetkými tými študentmi bol aj Šimon. Vysoký chlapec s hnedými vlasmi, ktorý sa trochu hanbil.En: Among all those students was Simon, a tall boy with brown hair, who was a bit shy.Sk: Stál pri okne a pozoroval ostatných.En: He stood by the window, watching the others.Sk: Lenka, jeho spolužiačka, sa snažila zdobiť stoly s kvetmi.En: Lenka, his classmate, was trying to decorate the tables with flowers.Sk: Vypadala šťastne, ako ostatní.En: She looked happy, like everyone else.Sk: Šimon ju potajomky obdivoval pre jej priateľskú povahu.En: Simon secretly admired her for her friendly nature.Sk: „Šimon,“ zavolala na neho Lenka, „pomôžeš mi s týmito kvetmi?“En: “Simon,” Lenka called to him, “will you help me with these flowers?”Sk: Šimon prikývol a pomaly k nej podišiel.En: Simon nodded and slowly walked over to her.Sk: „Samozrejme,“ povedal ticho.En: “Of course,” he said quietly.Sk: Bolo to len pár minút spoločnej práce, ale Šimon sa už cítil lepšie.En: It was just a few minutes of working together, but Simon already felt better.Sk: Aspoň niečo robil.En: At least he was doing something.Sk: Pri západe slnka sa všetci zhromaždili vonku, kde bolo pripravené pódium.En: At sunset, everyone gathered outside, where a stage was prepared.Sk: Študenti sa chystali na talentovú šou a medzi nimi bola aj Šimonova skrytá túžba – odvážiť sa vystúpiť.En: The students were ready for a talent show, and among them was Simon's hidden desire – to dare to perform.Sk: Videl ostatných študentov, ako sa smiali a užívali si.En: He watched as the other students laughed and enjoyed themselves.Sk: „Šimon, nechceš skúsiť tiež?“ opýtala sa Lenka s úsmevom.En: “Simon, do you want to give it a try?” Lenka asked with a smile.Sk: „Máme voľné miesto.“ Šimon sa zarazil.En: “We have an open slot.” Simon hesitated.Sk: Vedel, že je to šanca získať si priateľov, ale obával sa neúspechu.En: He knew it was a chance to make friends, but he was afraid of failing.Sk: Sledoval, ako študenti spievali, tancovali a predvádzali kúsky.En: He watched as students sang, danced, and performed tricks.Sk: Konečne sa odhodlal.En: Finally, he gathered the courage.Sk: Šimon vstúpil na pódium, svetlá ho oslepili.En: Simon stepped onto the stage, the lights blinded him.Sk: Chvíľu stál a potom začal hovoriť básnickým spôsobom.En: He stood for a moment and then began to speak in a poetic manner.Sk: Recitoval báseň, ktorú sa naučil ešte doma.En: He recited a poem he had learned at home.