Hope in the Shadows: A Tale of Courage and Community
FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by FluentFiction.org
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Hope in the Shadows: A Tale of Courage and Community Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-11-08-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript:Sk: V hĺbke pod zemou, kúsok od zeme, kde je život neistý, sa Marek, Jana a Tomáš ukrývali v starej bunkry.En: Deep underground, just a bit from the surface where life is uncertain, Marek, Jana, and Tomáš were hiding in an old bunker.Sk: Boli to dni plné napätia, keď nevedeli, čo sa deje vonku.En: Those were days full of tension when they didn't know what was happening outside.Sk: Bunker bol skromný, vládla tam tma, ale bol plný zásob.En: The bunker was modest, it was dark there, but it was full of supplies.Sk: Murované steny niesli ozveny vzdialeného rozruchu.En: The brick walls carried the echoes of distant commotion.Sk: Marek chodil hore-dole, rozvažujúc o malichernostiach, a snažil sa myslieť na všetko, čo môže robiť pre svojich priateľov.En: Marek walked back and forth, pondering trivialities, trying to think of everything he could do for his friends.Sk: Bol v núdzi zachovania bezpečia, no vo svojej hlave bojoval s hlbokým strachom zo zlyhania.En: He was in dire need to maintain safety, yet he battled deep fear of failure in his mind.Sk: Niečo sa však zmenilo.En: But something changed.Sk: Jana prepadla vysokou horúčkou.En: Jana was struck by a high fever.Sk: "Musíme niečo robiť," povedal Marek, keď sa sklonil k chvejúcej sa Jane.En: "We have to do something," Marek said as he bent down to the shivering Jana.Sk: Jej čelo bolo rozpálené a dýchanie ťažké.En: Her forehead was burning and her breathing was heavy.Sk: Marek vedel, že musia konať.En: Marek knew they had to act.Sk: Ale ako?En: But how?Sk: Vonkajší svet bol plný nebezpečenstiev, a s každým krokom vonku hrozilo riziko.En: The outside world was full of dangers, and every step outside posed a risk.Sk: "Neboj sa, Marek," ozval sa Tomáš, poklepal ho po ramene.En: "Don't worry, Marek," Tomáš spoke, patting him on the shoulder.Sk: "Ja sa pokúsim ísť hore a nájsť pomoc.En: "I'll try to go up and find help."Sk: "Marek sa mu pozrel do očí a cítil tú váhu rozhodnutia.En: Marek looked into his eyes and felt the weight of the decision.Sk: Mohol však odmietnuť?En: Could he refuse?Sk: Toto bolo pre Janku, pre ich jedinú šancu.En: This was for Jana, for their only chance.Sk: S ťažkosťou prikývol.En: He nodded reluctantly.Sk: “Dávaj pozor, Tomáš,” zašepkal, pohľadom plným úzkosti.En: "Be careful, Tomáš," he whispered, his gaze full of anxiety.Sk: "Nesmieš sa dať chytiť.En: "You mustn't get caught."Sk: "Tomáš si vzal nevyhnutné veci a zmizol v tme tunela.En: Tomáš took the necessary things and disappeared into the darkness of the tunnel.Sk: Čas ubiehal pomaly.En: Time passed slowly.Sk: Marek sedel vedľa Jany a modlil sa, aby sa všetko obrátilo v ich prospech.En: Marek sat next to Jana and prayed for everything to turn in their favor.Sk: Srdce mu búšilo s každom tlakom hodín.En: His heart pounded with every beat of the clock.Sk: O niekoľko hodín neskôr počuli známu škripot železných dverí.En: A few hours later, they heard the familiar creak of iron doors.Sk: Tomáš sa vrátil s dvoma mužmi, ktorí priniesli lieky.En: Tomáš returned with two men who brought medicine.Sk: Marekovi srdce preskočilo.En: Marek's heart skipped a...