Joyful Adventure at Bratislava Castle: A Day of Challenges

FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Joyful Adventure at Bratislava Castle: A Day of Challenges Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Na vrchole nádherného kopca v Bratislave sa nachádza majestátny Bratislavský hrad.En: On the top of a beautiful hill in Bratislava stands the majestic Bratislava Castle.Sk: Jana, mladá žena z Prahy, naň po prvý raz zavítala.En: Jana, a young woman from Prague, visited it for the first time.Sk: Slnečné ráno v apríli ju privítalo modrým nebom.En: A sunny morning in April welcomed her with a blue sky.Sk: Vždy snívala vidieť hrad a teraz sa jej sen splní.En: She had always dreamed of seeing the castle, and now her dream was coming true.Sk: Jana kráčala po kamenných chodníkoch hradu.En: Jana walked along the castle's stone paths.Sk: Ocitla sa na nádvorí, kde cítila ducha histórie.En: She found herself in the courtyard, where she could feel the spirit of history.Sk: Pri prechádzke po hradbách jej srdce bilo radosťou.En: As she walked along the ramparts, her heart beat with joy.Sk: Zrazu však narazila na nerovnosť v kameni.En: Suddenly, she stumbled on an uneven stone.Sk: Stratila rovnováhu a dopadla na zem.En: She lost her balance and fell to the ground.Sk: "Au!En: "Ouch!"Sk: " vykríkla Jana.En: Jana cried out.Sk: Pokúsila sa postaviť, ale bolesť v členku bola neznesiteľná.En: She tried to stand up, but the pain in her ankle was unbearable.Sk: Skúsila to znovu a členok ju prebodol bolesťou.En: She tried again, but her ankle pierced her with pain.Sk: Jana si uvedomila, že si vyvrtnula členok.En: Jana realized that she had sprained her ankle.Sk: Vydýchla.En: She exhaled.Sk: „Potrebujem pomoc,“ povedala si ticho, pozerajúc sa okolo seba.En: "I need help," she said quietly, looking around.Sk: Videla turistov, ale všetci boli ďaleko.En: She saw tourists, but they were all far away.Sk: Jana vytiahla telefón, zazvonila rodičom, ktorí zostali v Prahe.En: Jana pulled out her phone and called her parents, who were still in Prague.Sk: Sľúbili, že jej pomôžu, ale to chvíľu potrvá.En: They promised to help, but it would take some time.Sk: Jana upozornila jedného zo sprievodcov hradu.En: Jana caught the attention of one of the castle's guides.Sk: Staršia dáma s milým úsmevom pristúpila k nej.En: An older lady with a kind smile approached her.Sk: "Si v poriadku?En: "Are you okay?"Sk: " spýtala sa.En: she asked.Sk: Jana ukázala na členok a povedala, čo sa stalo.En: Jana pointed to her ankle and explained what had happened.Sk: Sprievodkyňa jej okamžite pomohla postaviť sa a podporila ju.En: The guide immediately helped her to stand and supported her.Sk: Zaviedla ju na lavičku a ponúkla vlažný obklad na zniženie opuchu.En: She led her to a bench and offered a lukewarm compress to reduce the swelling.Sk: "Zavolám lekára," povedala sprievodkyňa.En: "I’ll call a doctor," said the guide.Sk: Čoskoro prišiel mladý lekár.En: Soon, a young doctor arrived.Sk: Preskúmal členok a potešil Janu slovami, že to nie je nič vážne.En: He examined the ankle and reassured Jana that it was nothing serious.Sk: "Len oddychujte," usmial sa.En: "Just rest," he smiled.Sk: "Buďte opatrná na nerovných kamenných...