Latte Exchange Sparks Unexpected Bond

FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Latte Exchange Sparks Unexpected Bond Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Na úplne obyčajný deň, keď slnko svietilo nad kachličkami Starého Mesta v Bratislave, Jana vstúpila do svojej obľúbenej kaviarne.En: On a completely ordinary day, when the sun shone over the cobblestones of the Old Town in Bratislava, Jana entered her favorite café.Sk: Hľadala miesto pri okne, kde by pod fialovým slnečníkom mohla vychutnať svoje obľúbené latte.En: She was looking for a spot by the window, where she could enjoy her favorite latte under the purple sunshade.Sk: A vedľa nej, pri stene plnej obrázkov, sedel Jakub so svojou knihou a šálkou extra silného espressa.En: Next to her, by the wall full of pictures, sat Jakub with his book and a cup of extra strong espresso.Sk: Dnes v kaviarni však bola obzvlášť veľká záplava ľudí a všade bolo počuť cinkot porcelánu a veselé hlasy.En: However, today the café was particularly crowded and the sound of clinking porcelain and cheerful voices filled the air.Sk: Keď sa Jana presúvala k svojmu miestu, obsluha niesla jej kávu a niekoľko ďalších nápojov.En: As Jana made her way to her seat, the server was carrying her coffee and several other drinks.Sk: Na chvíľu sa Jana zastavila, aby sa pozrela na dámu s kvetinovým klobúčikom, a v tej chvíli sa stalo niečo neočakávané.En: For a moment, Jana stopped to look at a lady with a floral hat, and at that moment something unexpected happened.Sk: Obsluha sa náhle otočila a Jana málem stratila rovnováhu.En: The server suddenly turned around, causing Jana to almost lose her balance.Sk: Šálka espresso zachytila Janin šálka latte a už bolo neskoro.En: The espresso cup caught Jana's latte cup, and it was already too late.Sk: S otriasenými rukami a miernym úsmevom obsluha nevedomky podala Janě Jakubov silný espresso a Jakubovi na oplátku Janino jemné latte.En: With trembling hands and a slight smile, the server unintentionally handed Jakub Jana's gentle latte and, in return, gave Jana Jakub's strong espresso.Sk: Jana sedela, mysliac si, že pije svoj obvyklý nápoj, no po jednom hltu zistila, že niečo nie je v poriadku.En: Jana sat down, thinking she was drinking her usual beverage, but after a sip, she realized something was wrong.Sk: Prudká chuť spôsobila, že si okamžite oblizla pery a vykopla oči.En: The strong taste made her immediately lick her lips and widen her eyes.Sk: Na druhej strane miestnosti Jakub urobil podobnú grimasu.En: On the other side of the room, Jakub made a similar grimace.Sk: Hľadel na svoju šálku s výrazom zmätku.En: He looked at his cup with a puzzled expression.Sk: "Toto nie je moje espresso," zamumlal si.En: "This is not my espresso," he mumbled to himself.Sk: Jana, teraz plná náhlej energie z kofeínu, vstala a rozhodla sa, že si svoju kávu vymení nazad.En: Now full of sudden caffeine energy, Jana got up and decided to exchange their drinks.Sk: Preplietla sa medzi stolmi a k Jakubovi, ukazujúc na svoju šálku.En: She weaved through the tables towards Jakub, pointing at her cup.Sk: "Prepáčte, myslím si, že máme zamenené nápoje," povedala s nervóznym smiechom.En: "Sorry, I think our drinks got mixed up," she said with a nervous laugh.Sk: Jakub pozrel na Janu a po chvíli pochopenia sa zhodli, že za to môže zhon v kaviarni.En: Jakub looked at Jana, and after a moment of realization, they agreed that the café's hustle and bustle was to blame.