Marek's Daring Christmas Showstopper: Laughter and Love
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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Marek's Daring Christmas Showstopper: Laughter and Love Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Vianočné ozdoby sa leskli na girlandách zavesených po celej telocvični strednej školy.En: Christmas decorations glistened on the garlands hung all over the gymnasium of the stredná škola.Sk: Vianočná nálada prenikala vzduchom, keď sa všetci študenti a učitelia zhromaždili na každoročnú talentovú šou.En: The Christmas spirit permeated the air as all the students and teachers gathered for the annual talent show.Sk: Na pódiu visela obrovská papierová vločka, ktorá dodávala vzduch chladivý dotyk zimy, aj keď bola telocvičňa teplá.En: An enormous paper snowflake hung on the stage, adding a chilly touch of winter, even though the gym was warm.Sk: Marek stál za oponou, držiac sa za brucho, a cítil, ako mu adrenalín prúdi cez žily.En: Marek stood behind the curtain, holding his stomach, feeling the adrenaline coursing through his veins.Sk: Jeho plán bol jednoduchý, ale riskantný.En: His plan was simple, yet risky.Sk: Rozhodol sa pobaviť všetkých spolužiakov tým, že sa prezlečie za Mikuláša.En: He decided to entertain all his classmates by dressing up as Mikuláš.Sk: Ale jeho červený kostým bol obrovský, a Marek vedel, že to bude boj udržať ho pohromade.En: But his red costume was enormous, and Marek knew it would be a struggle to keep it together.Sk: Improvizoval ho pomocou starej ceruzky, lepiacej pásky a dvoch veľkých bezpečnostných špendlíkov.En: He improvised, using an old pencil, adhesive tape, and two large safety pins.Sk: Ale nešlo len o udržanie kostýmu.En: But it wasn't just about keeping the costume intact.Sk: Po celý čas mal pred očami obraz Jany, dievčatá, na ktorú nemohol prestať myslieť.En: All the while, he had the image of Jana, the girl he couldn't stop thinking about, in his mind.Sk: Chcel ju rozosmiať, chcel, aby si ho zapamätala.En: He wanted to make her laugh; he wanted her to remember him.Sk: "Ach, Marek," povedal Peter, jeho najlepší kamarát, ktorý stál vedľa neho, snažiaci sa neprepadnúť smiechu, keď videl, ako jeho priateľ bojuje s prevlekom.En: "Oh, Marek," said Peter, his best friend, standing next to him, trying not to burst into laughter seeing his friend battling with the disguise.Sk: "To je trochu šialené, vieš?En: "This is a bit crazy, you know?"Sk: ""Viac šialenstvo, viac zábavy," odpovedal Marek vesele, pričom si utiahol umelú bielu bradu.En: "The more madness, the more fun," Marek replied cheerfully, tightening the fake white beard.Sk: Vedel, že to čo robí, má svoje riziká.En: He knew that what he was doing had its risks.Sk: Riaditeľka školy, pani Nováková, bola známa svojou prísnou povahou.En: The school principal, pani Nováková, was known for her strict nature.Sk: Vzduch sa naplnil napätím a potom sa zotmelo na pódiu.En: The air filled with tension, and then the stage went dark.Sk: Svetlá zasvietili a dav urobil ticho.En: The lights came on, and the audience fell silent.Sk: Bol čas.En: It was time.Sk: Marek vyšiel na pódium so širokým úsmevom, no jeho srdce bilo ako zvon.En: Marek stepped onto the stage with a broad smile, but his heart was pounding like a drum.Sk: Hneď ako sa postavil do stredu, začal predvádzať svoj vianočný tanec sprevádzaný veselou hudbou.En: As soon as he stood in the center, he began performing his Christmas dance accompanied by merry...