Marek's Quest: Unveiling Secrets in the Abandoned Orphanage

FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Marek's Quest: Unveiling Secrets in the Abandoned Orphanage Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Letné slnko prenikalo okenicami cez rozbité sklo, osvetľovalo zaprášené miestnosti opusteného sirotinca.En: The summer sun streamed through the shutters, casting light through the broken glass and illuminating the dusty rooms of the abandoned orphanage.Sk: Márne sa schovávala stará budova na okraji hustého lesa.En: The old building hid in vain at the edge of the dense forest.Sk: Jej steny boli pokryté brečtanom a všetky miestnosti niesli stopy detí, ktoré tu kedysi žili.En: Its walls were covered in ivy, and every room bore traces of the children who once lived there.Sk: Výskanie a smiech detí sa stále ozývali chodbami, aspoň v Marekových predstavách.En: Children's laughter and giggles still echoed through the hallways, at least in Marek's imagination.Sk: Marek bol šestnásťročný chlapec so záľubou v riešení hádaniek.En: Marek was a sixteen-year-old boy with a passion for solving puzzles.Sk: Sirotinec bol jeho domovom, aj keď bol už roky opustený.En: The orphanage was his home, even though it had been abandoned for years.Sk: Petra, jeho najlepšia kamarátka, bola rovnako zvedavá a odvážna.En: Petra, his best friend, was just as curious and courageous.Sk: Obaja milovali dobrodružstvá.En: They both loved adventures.Sk: A dnes sa mali vydať na svoje najväčšie, tajomné pátranie.En: And today, they were about to embark on their biggest, most mysterious quest.Sk: Pri hľadaní starých knižiek a hračiek v jednej z izieb našiel Marek starý, zažltnutý list.En: While searching for old books and toys in one of the rooms, Marek found an old, yellowed letter.Sk: Opatrne ho roztvoril.En: He carefully unfolded it.Sk: List bol napísaný čudným kódom a malý chlapec nad ním dlho premýšľal.En: The letter was written in a strange code, and the young boy pondered over it for a long time.Sk: „Pozri sa tu, Petra!En: "Look at this, Petra!"Sk: ” zavolal na ňu.En: he called to her.Sk: Petra sa nadýchla, keď si všimla list.En: Petra gasped when she noticed the letter.Sk: „Čo to môže znamenať?En: "What could it mean?"Sk: ” spýtala sa, keď sa naklonila nad list a skúmala ho.En: she asked as she leaned over and examined it.Sk: „Musíme to rozlúštiť, nie je času nazvyš,“ odpovedal Marek pevne.En: "We have to decipher it, there's no time to lose," Marek replied firmly.Sk: Ako vtrhli dnu, otvorili dvere a vošli do skupiny starých miestností.En: As they burst into the room, they opened the doors and entered a group of old rooms.Sk: Tam ich stretla Lucie, nová pracovníčka, ktorá sa zaujímala o minulosť sirotinca.En: There they were met by Lucie, a new worker interested in the orphanage's past.Sk: „Marek, Petra, nemusíte sa tým zaoberať.En: "Marek, Petra, you don't need to get involved in this.Sk: Niektoré veci sú lepšie nechať v minulosti,” varovala ich.En: Some things are better left in the past," she warned them.Sk: „Chcem vedieť pravdu o svojej rodine, Lucie!En: "I want to know the truth about my family, Lucie!"Sk: ” povedal Marek rozhodne.En: Marek said resolutely.Sk: Petra ho podporovala, tlačila na to, aby pokračovali.En: Petra supported him, urging them to continue.Sk: Obaja vedeli, že...