Maria's Emotional Reunion: Finding Family in the Majestic Tatras

FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Maria's Emotional Reunion: Finding Family in the Majestic Tatras Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Mária stála na vrchole kopca v Tatrách.En: Maria stood at the top of a hill in the Tatras.Sk: Pred ňou sa rozprestieral nádherný výhľad – lesy, rieky a vzdialené horské štíty.En: Before her spread a magnificent view – forests, rivers, and distant mountain peaks.Sk: Bolo to miesto, kde jej rodina chodievala kempovať, keď boli deti.En: It was a place where her family used to camp when they were children.Sk: Teraz, po mnohých rokoch, bola späť.En: Now, after many years, she was back.Sk: Keď Mária opustila Slovensko, jej rodina sa rozdelila.En: When Maria left Slovakia, her family split apart.Sk: Ona išla do ďalekej krajiny.En: She went to a far-off country.Sk: Bez telefónov a internetu nebolo ľahké udržiavať kontakt.En: Without phones and the internet, it wasn't easy to keep in touch.Sk: Časom sa stratil aj posledný list.En: Over time, even the last letter was lost.Sk: Roky prešli.En: Years passed.Sk: Napokon dostala list od svojho brata.En: Finally, she received a letter from her brother.Sk: Písal, že sa celá rodina konečne znovu stretne v Tatrách.En: He wrote that the whole family was finally going to reunite in the Tatras.Sk: Miesto, ktoré všetci milovali od detstva.En: A place they all loved since childhood.Sk: Mária bola šťastná a nadšená.En: Maria was happy and excited.Sk: Chcela ich všetkých vidieť a objímať.En: She wanted to see and hug them all.Sk: Na ceste hore kopcom sa zastavila pri starom strome.En: On the way up the hill, she stopped by an old tree.Sk: Jej otec tam vždy sadával a hral na gitare.En: Her father used to sit there and play the guitar.Sk: Jej srdce sa naplnilo radosťou, keď začula vzdialené hlasy a smiech.En: Her heart filled with joy when she heard distant voices and laughter.Sk: Podišla bližšie.En: She walked closer.Sk: Tam stáli.En: There they stood.Sk: Jej brat Jozef prvý uvidel svoju sestru.En: Her brother Joseph was the first to see his sister.Sk: Zamával jej a rozbehol sa k nej.En: He waved at her and ran toward her.Sk: „Mária!En: "Maria!"Sk: “ zvolal.En: he exclaimed.Sk: „Si tu!En: "You're here!"Sk: “Mária sa rozbehla, srdce jej búchalo.En: Maria started running, her heart pounding.Sk: Objali sa.En: They embraced.Sk: Jej matka a otec prišli k nim, obaja plakali.En: Her mother and father came over, both crying.Sk: „Chýbala si nám,“ povedala jej matka.En: "We missed you," her mother said.Sk: „Aj vy mne,“ odpovedala Mária so slzami v očiach.En: "I missed you too," Maria replied with tears in her eyes.Sk: Slnko pomaly zapadalo.En: The sun was slowly setting.Sk: Všetci si sadli okolo ohňa.En: They all sat around the fire.Sk: Otec opäť vytiahol gitaru a začal hrať staré piesne.En: Her father once again took out his guitar and started playing old songs.Sk: Spievali a smiali sa.En: They sang and laughed.Sk: Mária spomínala na detstvo.En: Maria reminisced about her childhood.Sk: V tme noci Mária cítila, ako ju obklopuje teplo rodiny.En: In the...