Martin's Enchanting Day at Bratislava Castle
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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Martin's Enchanting Day at Bratislava Castle Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Martin kráčal po starých uličkách Bratislavy.En: Martin walked through the old streets of Bratislava.Sk: Míňal staroveké kostoly a domy.En: He passed ancient churches and houses.Sk: Nad ním sa týčil majestátny Bratislavský hrad.En: Above him, the majestic Bratislava Castle towered.Sk: Dnes tam bolo veľa ľudí.En: Today, there were a lot of people there.Sk: Konal sa tam tradičný folklórny festival.En: A traditional folk festival was taking place.Sk: Martin miloval folklór.En: Martin loved folklore.Sk: Hudba a tanec ho vždy fascinovali.En: Music and dance always fascinated him.Sk: Keď bol malý, jeho starí rodičia mu rozprávali príbehy o slovenských tradíciách.En: When he was little, his grandparents told him stories about Slovak traditions.Sk: Vždy túžil vidieť ich naživo.En: He always longed to see them live.Sk: Na hrade už hrala hudba.En: Music was already playing at the castle.Sk: Ľudia tancovali v krojoch.En: People were dancing in traditional costumes.Sk: Martin cítil pulzovanie melódií v srdci.En: Martin felt the pulse of the melodies in his heart.Sk: Atmosféra bola živá a srdečná.En: The atmosphere was lively and warm.Sk: Všade bol smiech a spev.En: Everywhere there was laughter and singing.Sk: Martin si kúpil z obchodu malý drevený fujaru.En: Martin bought a small wooden fujara from a shop.Sk: Bola krásne vyrezávaná.En: It was beautifully carved.Sk: Poobzeral si stánky s tradičnými jedlami.En: He looked around the stalls with traditional foods.Sk: Vo vzduchu cítil vôňu čerstvého chleba a klobásy.En: He smelled the aroma of fresh bread and sausages in the air.Sk: Skúsil pečený chlieb s masťou a cibuľou.En: He tried baked bread with lard and onions.Sk: Bol lahodný.En: It was delicious.Sk: Na hlavnom pódiu vystupovala skupina tanečníkov.En: On the main stage, a group of dancers performed.Sk: Ich kroje žiarili farbami.En: Their costumes shone with colors.Sk: Každý pohyb bol dokonalý a ladný.En: Every movement was perfect and graceful.Sk: Martin sa nadýchal a usmial sa.En: Martin took a deep breath and smiled.Sk: Toto bolo to, čo si vždy prial vidieť.En: This was what he had always wished to see.Sk: Potom sa stalo niečo zvláštne.En: Then something strange happened.Sk: Starý muž prišiel k Martinovi.En: An old man came to Martin.Sk: Mal hrubú paličku a šedivé vlasy.En: He had a thick cane and gray hair.Sk: Povedal: "Vidím, že sa ti naše tradície páčia.En: He said, "I see you like our traditions.Sk: Chceš tancovať s nami?En: Would you like to dance with us?"Sk: "Martin bol nadšený, ale trochu nervózny.En: Martin was excited but a little nervous.Sk: Nikdy predtým netancoval ľudové tance.En: He had never danced folk dances before.Sk: No starý muž ho povzbudil.En: But the old man encouraged him.Sk: "Neboj sa, ukážem ti to," povedal s úsmevom.En: "Don't worry, I'll show you," he said with a smile.Sk: Spolu išli na pódium.En: Together they went to the stage.Sk: Starý muž ukazoval jednoduché kroky.En: The old man...