Mischief & Misunderstandings in Bratislava

FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Mischief & Misunderstandings in Bratislava Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/mischief-misunderstandings-in-bratislava Story Transcript:Sk: Pod modrým oblohou v centre Bratislavy v starom meste, tam kde sa ulice plnia živým ruchom a hudba sa line z každého kúta, sa odohrával jeden nezabudnuteľný príbeh.En: Under the blue sky in the center of Bratislava's old town, where the streets bustle with activity and music wafts from every corner, an unforgettable story took place.Sk: Bolo krásne slnečné ráno a Janko sa rozhodol, že pôjde obzrieť krásy starého mesta Bratislavy.En: It was a beautiful sunny morning, and Janko decided to go and explore the beauties of the old town of Bratislava.Sk: Chcel pocítiť históriu, ktorú každá stena a dlažba v sebe ukrývala a vstrebať atmosféru miest, o ktorých počul toľko príbehov.En: He wanted to feel the history hidden within every wall and cobblestone and soak in the atmosphere of the places he had heard so many stories about.Sk: Prechádzal sa uličkami a obdivoval starobylé budovy, každým krokom viac a viac ponorený v minulosti.En: He strolled through the narrow streets, admiring the ancient buildings, becoming more and more immersed in the past with every step.Sk: Až kým neprišiel na malé námestie, kde prekvapenie čakalo práve na neho.En: Until he arrived at a small square, where a surprise was waiting just for him.Sk: Na námestí stála socha, aspoň tak si Janko myslel.En: In the square stood a statue, at least that's what Janko thought.Sk: Bola to postava vystrojená ako rytier, s očami zatvorenými a tvárou bez pohnutia.En: It was a figure dressed as a knight, with closed eyes and an immobile face.Sk: Socha bola tak dokonale statická, že Janko nemohol odolať.En: The statue was so perfectly still that Janko couldn't resist.Sk: Prišiel bližšie, pozeral na "sochu" a uvažoval o tom, aký bol ten rytier za hrdinu.En: He approached, gazing at the "statue", and contemplated what kind of hero the knight might have been.Sk: Rozhodol sa, že sa s ním porozpráva ako s dobrým starým priateľom: "Dobrý deň, pane rytier," začal Janko.En: He decided to talk to him as if he were an old friend: "Good day, sir knight," Janko began.Sk: "Ako dlho už stojíte na tomto mieste?En: "How long have you been standing in this spot?"Sk: " Samozrejme nečakal odpoveď, keď vtom.En: Of course, he didn't expect an answer, when suddenly...Sk: "Socha" s náhlym pohybom otvorila oči a pozrela na Janka.En: The "statue" abruptly opened its eyes and looked at Janko.Sk: Bol to vôbec nie rytier, ale pouličný umelec, ktorý na moment vystrašil nášho Janka do mramoru.En: It wasn't a knight at all, but a street performer who momentarily startled our Janko into a state of shock.Sk: Silný výkrik Janka prebudil všetkých kolemjdúcich a námestie zaplnil smiech.En: Janko's loud scream woke up all the passersby, and the square was filled with laughter.Sk: Marta, ktorá predávala kvety na rohu námestia, videla celú udalosť a nemohla sa nasmiať.En: Marta, who sold flowers at the corner of the square, witnessed the whole event and couldn't help but laugh.Sk: Prišla k Jankovi a povedala: "Vy ste asi ešte nepočuli o našom slávnom pouličnom umelcovi, že?En: She approached Janko and said, "You must not have heard about our famous street performer, have you?"Sk: " Janko si oblizol spomaľky pery a priznal sa s červenajúcou tvárou: "No, teraz už počul.En: Janko licked his lips and admitted with a red face,...