Mishap to Friendship: Joy in Bratislava
FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by FluentFiction.org
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Mishap to Friendship: Joy in Bratislava Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/mishap-to-friendship-joy-in-bratislava Story Transcript:Sk: Stojan Miroslav na promenáde v Bratislave a pozoruje labutie na Dunaji.En: Stojan Miroslav is taking a stroll in Bratislava and is observing swans on the Danube.Sk: Je piatok a mesto žije príjemným ruchom víkendu.En: It's Friday, and the city is buzzing with the pleasant atmosphere of the weekend.Sk: Miroslav je vo svojom obleku a na ceste na dôležité stretnutie.En: Miroslav is in his suit, on his way to an important meeting.Sk: Keď sa mu pozvoňať z telefónu, snaží sa nájsť pokojné miesto na rozhovor.En: When his phone rings, he tries to find a peaceful spot for the conversation.Sk: "Mám super správu," povie Miroslav, keď si vyberá telefón z kapsy.En: "I've got great news," says Miroslav as he takes his phone out of his pocket.Sk: "Teraz ma volajú z práce.En: "Now they're calling me from work."Sk: " Pohľadá okolo seba a uvidí kabínku, ktorá vyzerá ako telefónna búdka.En: He looks around and sees a booth that looks like a phone booth.Sk: Bez váhania do nej vstúpi.En: Without hesitation, he enters it.Sk: Miroslavovi sa zdá divné, že je v búdke taká vôňa, ale myslí si, že je to možno len netypická dezinfekcia.En: Miroslav finds it strange that the booth has such a specific scent, but he thinks it might just be an unusual disinfectant.Sk: Začína hovoriť veľmi nahlas: "Áno, áno, úplne rozumiem, hneď to vybavím!En: He starts speaking very loudly, "Yes, yes, I completely understand, I'll take care of it right away!"Sk: "Elena prišla do reštaurácie voľať a presne v tom momente počuje hlas Miroslava.En: Elena enters the restaurant to make a call and hears Miroslav's voice at that moment.Sk: "Čo to robí?En: "What is he doing?Sk: Veď to nie je telefónna búdka," pomyslí si a začne sa smiať.En: This isn't a phone booth," she thinks to herself and starts to laugh.Sk: Rozhodne sa, že Miroslavovi pomôže, preto otvorí dvere búdky a povie: "Pán, prepáčte, ale ste v toalete!En: She decides to help Miroslav, so she opens the door of the booth and says, "Sir, I'm sorry, but you're in the restroom!"Sk: "Miroslav sa zarazí a pozrie na Eleninu smejúcu sa tvár.En: Miroslav is taken aback and looks at Elena's laughing face.Sk: Uvedomí si svoju chybu a zčervená.En: He realizes his mistake and blushes.Sk: "Och, celkom som sa zmýlil," odpovie spätne.En: "Oh, I got completely confused," he replies.Sk: Pochopí, že mal by hovor ukončiť a vyjsť.En: He understands that he should end the call and leave.Sk: Elena s Miroslavom sa na chodbe rozprávajú a vymenia si príbehy o meste a o nečakaných zážitkoch.En: Elena and Miroslav chat in the hallway and exchange stories about the city and unexpected experiences.Sk: Napokon Miroslav a Elena vyjdú z reštaurácie ako noví kamaráti.En: In the end, Miroslav and Elena leave the restaurant as new friends.Sk: Napriek nepohodlnému začiatku sa z Miroslavovej chyby vyvinie milé stretnutie, ktoré obaja budú dlho rozprávať so smiechom.En: Despite the uncomfortable start, Miroslav's mistake turns into a pleasant encounter that both will talk about for a long time with laughter.Sk: A Miroslav si zapamätá, že nie všetky kabínky sú na Bratislavskej promenáde telefónne búdky.En: And Miroslav remembers that not all booths on Bratislava's promenade are phone booths....