Mistaken Doors: A Bratislava Adventure
FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by FluentFiction.org
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Mistaken Doors: A Bratislava Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/mistaken-doors-a-bratislava-adventure Story Transcript:Sk: Na križovatke dvoch úzkych uličiek, kde sa dláždené kamene blýskali ako perly po letnom daždi, sa Jana s roztiahnutou mapou v rukách zastavila a neistým pohľadom hľadala správnu cestu.En: At the intersection of two narrow streets, where cobblestones glistened like pearls after a summer rain, Jana stopped with a spread-out map in her hands and looked around uncertainly, searching for the right way.Sk: Bola to jej prvá návšteva Bratislavy a Staré Mesto ju lákalo svojimi tajomstvami.En: It was her first visit to Bratislava, and the Old Town attracted her with its mysteries.Sk: Peter a Marek, jej dvaja dobrí priatelia, verili jej lokálnemu inštinktu a sledovali ju krok za krokom.En: Her two good friends, Peter and Marek, trusted her local instinct and followed her step by step.Sk: "Tu musí byť niekde tá pekáreň, o ktorej mi hovoril Michal," mrmlela Jana, obracajúc na hlave starú, papierovú mapu.En: "Somewhere around here must be that bakery Michal told me about," mumbled Jana, turning the old paper map in her hands.Sk: Rozhodla sa konať a vošla do prvého otvoreného dverí pred nimi, očakávajúc vôňu čerstvého pečiva.En: Determined, she entered the first open door in front of them, expecting the scent of fresh bread.Sk: Keď však vkročila dnu, ocitla sa v malom, útulnom hostinci, ktorého steny zdobili historické predmety a fotografie Bratislavy.En: However, upon entering, she found herself in a small, cozy tavern, its walls adorned with historical objects and photographs of Bratislava.Sk: Pohľady ľudí sa obrátili na nových príchodcov.En: The gazes of the people turned to the newcomers.Sk: Peter s Marekom sa na seba zhrozené pozreli, keď si uvedomili, že Jana ich priviedla do krčmy namiesto pekárne.En: Peter and Marek looked at each other in horror as they realized that Jana had led them into a pub instead of a bakery.Sk: Chvíľu tam stáli na prahu, až ich príjemný hlas uistil: "Vitajte!En: They stood there on the threshold for a moment until a friendly voice reassured them: "Welcome!Sk: Nebojte sa a poďte ďalej.En: Don't be afraid, come on in."Sk: " Hostinský, robustný pán s bielym zásterom, sa na nich usmieval, a hoci to nebola pekáreň, ktorú hľadala Jana, niečo na tejto chybe ich všetkých zaujímalo.En: The innkeeper, a robust man with a white apron, smiled at them, and although it wasn't the bakery Jana was looking for, there was something about this mistake that intrigued them all.Sk: "Možno by sme mohli ostať na pivo," navrhol Marek a s odhodlaním sa prešmykol okolo stolov naložených chrumkavými syrmi a klobásami.En: "Maybe we could stay for a beer," suggested Marek, and with determination, he maneuvered around tables laden with crispy cheeses and sausages.Sk: "Ani som vedela, že mám taký hlad," uznala Jana, keď si všimla koše plné domáceho chleba, ktorý upiekol sám hostinský.En: "I didn't even realize I was so hungry," admitted Jana when she noticed baskets full of homemade bread baked by the innkeeper himself.Sk: Tým nečakaným obratom sa napokon dostali k stolu vo výklenku, kde na nich čakal pohár zlatistého piva.En: With this unexpected turn, they finally made it to a table in a nook, where a glass of golden beer awaited them.Sk: Peter odložil vedľa seba ťažký batoh a uvoľnene si vydýchol.En: Peter placed his heavy backpack beside him and breathed a sigh of relief.Sk: "Občas sa oplatí aj...