Mystery at Bratislava Castle: A Stormy Night's Adventure
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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Mystery at Bratislava Castle: A Stormy Night's Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Bolo leto, a Jozef a Mária sa rozhodli navštíviť Bratislavský hrad.En: It was summertime, and Joseph and Maria decided to visit Bratislava Castle.Sk: Slnečné lúče prenikali cez staré okná a všetko vyzeralo pokojne.En: Sunbeams streamed through the old windows, and everything looked serene.Sk: Vo vnútri bola výstava historických artefaktov.En: Inside, there was an exhibition of historical artifacts.Sk: Mária bola nadšená, lebo sa vždy zaujímala o dejiny Slovenska.En: Maria was thrilled because she had always been interested in Slovak history.Sk: Jozef držal jej ruku a usmieval sa, keď videl jej radosť.En: Joseph held her hand, smiling as he saw her joy.Sk: V rámci výstavy bola aj stará koruna kráľa.En: Among the exhibits was an old king's crown.Sk: Bola to najcennejšia vec medzi všetkými exponátmi.En: It was the most valuable item among all the displays.Sk: Náhle začali oblohu prekrývať tmavé mraky.En: Suddenly, dark clouds started to cover the sky.Sk: Vo vzduchu bolo cítiť zvláštne napätie.En: There was a strange tension in the air.Sk: Hra svetla a tieňov sa začala meniť.En: The interplay of light and shadows began to change.Sk: Začal fúkať vietor.En: The wind started to blow.Sk: Hrom a blesk pretrhli oblohu.En: Thunder and lightning split the sky.Sk: A v tom to udrelo.En: And then it struck.Sk: Silný blesk zasiahol hrad.En: A powerful lightning bolt hit the castle.Sk: Svetlá zhasli.En: The lights went out.Sk: Všetko sa ponorilo do tmy.En: Everything plunged into darkness.Sk: Jozef cítil, ako Mária stiahla jej ruky bližšie k jeho.En: Joseph felt Maria draw her hands closer to his.Sk: "Neboj sa, som tu s tebou," zašepkal.En: "Don’t be afraid, I’m here with you," he whispered.Sk: "Svetlá v múzeu sa predsa nikdy nevypnú," povedala Mária nervózne.En: “The lights in the museum never go out,” Maria said nervously.Sk: V tom momente však bola tma ich jediným spoločníkom.En: At that moment, darkness was their only companion.Sk: Maličkým svetlom z ich mobilov si osvetľovali cestu medzi starými stenami hradu.En: They illuminated their path through the castle's old walls with tiny lights from their phones.Sk: Všetko sa zdalo tiché a temné.En: Everything seemed quiet and dark.Sk: Krok za krokom prechádzali miestnosti, kým nenarazili na výstavnú sieň.En: Step by step, they moved through the rooms until they reached the exhibition hall.Sk: "Čo je tamto?" zašepkal Jozef, keď si všimol rozbitú vitrínu.En: "What is that?" Joseph whispered when he noticed a broken display case.Sk: Sklo bolo roztrúsené po zemi.En: Glass was scattered on the ground.Sk: Chýbala kráľova koruna.En: The king’s crown was missing.Sk: Ocitli sa uprostred záhady.En: They found themselves in the middle of a mystery.Sk: "Niekto sem musel preniknúť, keď vypadol prúd," povedala Mária.En: “Someone must have broken in when the power went out,” Maria said.Sk: "Musíme to nahlásiť!" povedal Jozef a viedol Máriu späť cez tmavé chodby.En: “We need to report this!” Joseph said, leading Maria back through the dark corridors.Sk: Náhle však začuli...