Mystery of the Tatras: Discovery of the Ancient Artifact
FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Mystery of the Tatras: Discovery of the Ancient Artifact Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Hlasy vetra sa ozývali v lesoch Tatier.En: The voices of the wind echoed through the forests of the Tatras.Sk: Jana, Marek a Tomáš sa chystali na cestu do hôr.En: Jana, Marek, and Tomáš were preparing for a journey into the mountains.Sk: Dedina pod Tatrami bola pokojná.En: The village beneath the Tatras was peaceful.Sk: Ale jedného dňa sa tam stalo niečo zvláštne.En: But one day, something peculiar happened there.Sk: Jana našla v lese zvláštny kovový predmet.En: Jana found a strange metallic object in the forest.Sk: Bol starý a žiarivý.En: It was old and radiant.Sk: Marek a Tomáš prišli hneď, keď im o tom povedala.En: Marek and Tomáš came immediately when she told them about it.Sk: "To je neuveriteľné," povedal Marek.En: "This is incredible," said Marek.Sk: "Čo to môže byť?"En: "What could it be?"Sk: "Vyzerá to ako artefakt," povedal Tomáš.En: "It looks like an artifact," said Tomáš.Sk: "Možno je starodávny."En: "Maybe it’s ancient."Sk: Po chvíli si uvedomili, že artefakt vysiela signál.En: After a while, they realized that the artifact was emitting a signal.Sk: Signál bol slabý, ale neustály.En: The signal was weak but continuous.Sk: "Musíme ho sledovať," povedala Jana.En: "We have to follow it," said Jana.Sk: "Možno nás to niekam zavedie."En: "Maybe it will lead us somewhere."Sk: Šli hlbšie do lesa.En: They went deeper into the forest.Sk: Cesta bola ťažká, ale signál ich viedol.En: The path was challenging, but the signal guided them.Sk: Prešli cez potoky a skaly.En: They crossed streams and rocks.Sk: Po niekoľkých hodinách našli skrytý vchod do hory.En: After several hours, they found a hidden entrance to the mountain.Sk: "To je ono!" zvolal Marek.En: "This is it!" exclaimed Marek.Sk: "Tu musí byť niečo dôležité."En: "There must be something important here."Sk: Vstúpili do temného tunelu.En: They entered the dark tunnel.Sk: Svetlo z artefaktu im osvetľovalo cestu.En: The light from the artifact illuminated their path.Sk: Tunel bol dlhý a kľukatý.En: The tunnel was long and winding.Sk: Nakoniec sa dostali do veľkej miestnosti. Plná starých strojov a technológií.En: Eventually, they reached a large room, filled with old machines and technology.Sk: "Nikdy som nevidela nič také," povedala Jana s úžasom.En: "I’ve never seen anything like this," said Jana in amazement.Sk: "Musíme to ukázať dedinčanom," povedal Tomáš.En: "We have to show this to the villagers," said Tomáš.Sk: "Táto technológia môže zmeniť naše životy."En: "This technology could change our lives."Sk: Rýchlo sa vrátili do dediny a všetko vysvetlili ostatným.En: They quickly returned to the village and explained everything to the others.Sk: Dedinčania boli prekvapení a nadšení.En: The villagers were astonished and excited.Sk: Spolu začali skúmať stroje a prípadné využitie starodávnej technológie.En: Together, they began to study the machines and possible uses of the ancient technology.Sk: Objavili veci, ktoré im uľahčili prácu a život.En: They discovered things that made their work and...