Oops! Candid Chaos at Bratislava Castle

FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Oops! Candid Chaos at Bratislava Castle Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/oops-candid-chaos-at-bratislava-castle Story Transcript:Sk: Na kopci nad Dunajom, kde sa míňajú oblohy s históriou, stál nádherný Bratislavský hrad.En: On the hill above the Danube, where skies and history intersect, stood the magnificent Bratislava Castle.Sk: Slnečný deň bol ako stvorený pre výlet, a preto sa Andrea, Martin a Lukáš rozhodli stráviť ho poznávaním tohto historického miesta.En: The sunny day seemed perfect for a trip, so Andrea, Martin, and Lukáš decided to spend it exploring this historic place.Sk: Andrea bola milovníčka umenia, Martin znalec starých legiend a Lukáš, no, Lukáš mal rád fotky.En: Andrea was an art lover, Martin was a connoisseur of ancient legends, and Lukáš, well, Lukáš loved taking photos.Sk: Vlastne, obľúbil si ich až tak, že sa nikam nepohol bez svojej drahocennej kamery.En: In fact, he had grown so fond of them that he never went anywhere without his precious camera.Sk: Práve keď sprievodca hovoril o tajomstvách hradu, rozhodol sa Lukáš urobiť tú najlepšiu fotografiu.En: Just as the guide was speaking about the secrets of the castle, Lukáš decided to take the best picture.Sk: Cúvol o krok, aby získal lepšie uhly. Aj o dva, ale nevidel kameň za sebou.En: He backed up a step to get better angles, then another, but he didn't see the stone behind him.Sk: Zakopol, kamera vyletela z jeho rúk a v tom zápase s gravitáciou stihol ešte stlačiť spúšť.En: He tripped, his camera flew out of his hands, and in that battle with gravity, he still managed to press the shutter.Sk: Chlapík od vedľa, ktorý práve obdivoval krásu sochy, nečakal, že práve jeho zadok bude hlavným objektom fotografie.En: The man next to him, who had just been admiring the beauty of a statue, didn't expect that his backside would be the main subject of the photo.Sk: Medzitým Andrea a Martin stáli s ústami dokorán.En: Meanwhile, Andrea and Martin stood with their mouths wide open.Sk: Každý moment tu bol plný prekvapení, ale tento s obehal Bratislavským hradom bleskurýchle.En: Every moment here was full of surprises, but this one had encircled Bratislava Castle in a flash.Sk: Sprievodca, ktorý na chvíľku stratil reč, sa napokon zasmial a zvolal: "To ste mali vidieť ostatné nešťastné príhody, ktoré sa tu už odohrali!"En: The guide, who had momentarily lost his speech, finally laughed and exclaimed, "You should have seen the other unfortunate incidents that have already happened here!"Sk: Martin pomohol Lukášovi postaviť sa na nohy a Andrea, ešte stále s úsmevom na perách, podala mu kameru.En: Martin helped Lukáš to get back on his feet, and with a smile still on her lips, Andrea handed him the camera.Sk: "Do kostola!" oznámil sprievodca a celá skupina sa pokračovala v prehliadke, zatiaľ čo Lukáš kontroloval fotoaparát.En: "To the church!" announced the guide, and the whole group continued the tour, while Lukáš checked the camera.Sk: Kamera bola v poriadku, ale fotka? To bolo niečo úplne iné.En: The camera was fine, but the photo? It was something entirely different.Sk: Foto, ktoré malo byť dokonalou kompozíciou, bolo teraz skôr komickou scenériou, ktorá rozosmiala celú skupinu.En: The picture that was supposed to be a perfect composition was now more of a comical scene that made the whole group laugh.Sk: Nechcel však stratiť dôstojnosť a tak sa s ľahkým smiechom obrátil na priateľov: "Takto to robím, keď chcem, aby si moje umenie ľudia zapamätali."