Overcoming Final Exam Fears: A Week in Bratislava
FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by FluentFiction.org
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Overcoming Final Exam Fears: A Week in Bratislava Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/overcoming-final-exam-fears-a-week-in-bratislava Story Transcript:Sk: V sobotu ráno v Bratislave v malom byte na treťom poschodí, Ján a Zuzana sedeli pri kuchynskom stole.En: On Saturday morning in Bratislava, in a small apartment on the third floor, Ján and Zuzana were sitting at the kitchen table.Sk: Boli to študenti, ktorí sa pripravovali na maturitné skúšky.En: They were students preparing for their final exams.Sk: Na stole boli učebnice, perá a poznámky.En: On the table were textbooks, pens, and notes.Sk: „Zuzana, máme už len týždeň na prípravu,“ povedal Ján s obavou v hlase.En: “Zuzana, we only have one week left to prepare,” said Ján with concern in his voice.Sk: „Viem, Ján,“ odpovedala Zuzana, „ale musíme byť pokojní. Spoločne to zvládneme.“En: “I know, Ján,” responded Zuzana, “but we have to stay calm. We’ll get through this together.”Sk: Ján sa pozrel z okna.En: Ján looked out the window.Sk: „Dnes je krásny deň. Mali by sme študovať vonku.“En: “It's a beautiful day today. We should study outside.”Sk: Zuzana sa usmiala.En: Zuzana smiled.Sk: „Dobrý nápad, Ján! Poďme do Medickej záhrady.“En: “Good idea, Ján! Let’s go to Medická Garden.”Sk: Za malú chvíľu boli študenti v Medickej záhrade.En: Soon after, the students were in Medická Garden.Sk: Slnko svietilo, vtáci spievali a vzduch bol svieži.En: The sun was shining, birds were singing, and the air was fresh.Sk: Našli si tiché miesto na lavičke pod stromom.En: They found a quiet spot on a bench under a tree.Sk: Otvorili učebnice.En: They opened their textbooks.Sk: Čítali si nahlas, pýtali sa navzájom otázky a pomáhali si, keď niečo nevedeli.En: They read aloud, asked each other questions, and helped one another when something was unclear.Sk: „Ján, čo je podstatné na tejto básni?“ spýtala sa Zuzana.En: “Ján, what is significant about this poem?” asked Zuzana.Sk: „Význam je v symbolizme a emóciách,“ odpovedal Ján s úsmevom.En: “The significance is in the symbolism and emotions,” answered Ján with a smile.Sk: „Treba to chápať ako obraz našich pocitov.“En: “You need to understand it as a picture of our feelings.”Sk: Študovali celé dopoludnie.En: They studied all morning.Sk: Obed si dali v blízkom bistre. Potom sa vrátili do záhrady.En: They had lunch at a nearby bistro and then returned to the garden.Sk: Po týždni plnom práce prišiel deň maturitných skúšok.En: After a week full of hard work, the day of the final exams arrived.Sk: Ján a Zuzana boli nervózni, ale pripravení.En: Ján and Zuzana were nervous but prepared.Sk: Pred školou si ešte raz prešli poznámky.En: Before entering the school, they went over their notes one last time.Sk: „Zvládneme to,“ povedala Zuzana a silno stisla Jánovu ruku.En: “We can do this,” said Zuzana, squeezing Ján’s hand tightly.Sk: Po skúške sa stretli pred školou.En: After the exam, they met in front of the school.Sk: „Ako to šlo?“ spýtal sa Ján.En: “How did it go?” asked Ján.Sk: „Myslím, že dobre,“ odpovedala Zuzana so smiechom.En: “I think it went well,” answered Zuzana with laughter.Sk: „A ty?“En: “And you?”Sk: „Tiež,“ usmial sa Ján.En: “The same,” smiled Ján.Sk: „Sme šikovní!“En: “We did great!”