Peter & Zuzana's Unplanned Medieval Adventure

FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Peter & Zuzana's Unplanned Medieval Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: V Bratislave, na nádhernom hrade, sa odohrával zaujímavý deň.En: In Bratislava, at the magnificent castle, an interesting day was unfolding.Sk: Peter a Zuzana, mladý pár, sa rozhodli stráviť nedeľné popoludnie prechádzkou.En: Peter and Zuzana, a young couple, decided to spend their Sunday afternoon taking a walk.Sk: Nemali žiadne konkrétne plány, len chceli preskúmať okolie.En: They had no specific plans, just a desire to explore the area.Sk: Ako sa blížili k hradu, všimli si veľké zhromaždenie ľudí.En: As they approached the castle, they noticed a large gathering of people.Sk: "Poďme sa pozrieť, čo sa deje," povedala Zuzana s úsmevom.En: "Let's see what's going on," Zuzana said with a smile.Sk: Na nádvorí videli mužov a ženy oblečených v historických kostýmoch.En: In the courtyard, they saw men and women dressed in historical costumes.Sk: "To vyzerá zaujímavo," zamrmlal Peter a obaja vstúpili do davu.En: "This looks interesting," murmured Peter, and the two of them stepped into the crowd.Sk: Rýchlo si všimli, že sú medzi veľmi vážne vyzerajúcimi účastníkmi jedinečným príkazom moderného oblečenia.En: They quickly noticed that they stood out among the very serious-looking participants with their distinctly modern attire.Sk: "Vitame vás!" zakričal priateľský muž v stredovekom odeve.En: "Welcome!" shouted a friendly man in medieval garb.Sk: "Ste pripravení na dnešný historický prehliad? Tešíme sa na vašu hru!"En: "Are you ready for today’s historical tour? We look forward to your performance!"Sk: Peter a Zuzana sa na sebe pozreli zmätene, ale mysleli si, že sa ich niekto len žartom oslovuje.En: Peter and Zuzana looked at each other, puzzled, but thought that someone was just joking with them.Sk: "Samozrejme, sme pripravení," odpovedal Peter a pokrčil ramenami.En: "Of course, we are ready," Peter replied with a shrug.Sk: Sprievodca ich zaviedol do miestnosti plnej zbroje, kde mali údajne "pripraviť" na nasledujúcu scénu.En: The guide led them into a room full of armor, where they were supposedly to "prepare" for the upcoming scene.Sk: "Len prejsť okolo a uvidíte, ako ľudia reagujú," povedal.En: "Just walk around and see how people react," he said.Sk: "Mali ste byť veľmi zábavní!"En: "You are meant to be very amusing!"Sk: Peter sa začal smiať, keď ho jedna z účastníčok poprosila, aby nasadil helmu.En: Peter started laughing when one of the participants asked him to put on a helmet.Sk: Vyzeral komicky, so svojou modernou bundou a starou helmicou.En: He looked comical with his modern jacket and the old helmet.Sk: Ľudia okolo nich sa začali smiať a tlieskať.En: The people around them began to laugh and applaud.Sk: "Ach, to je tak vtipné! Títo dvaja sú fantastickí!" volali prizerajúci sa.En: "Oh, this is so funny! These two are fantastic!" the onlookers called out.Sk: Peter a Zuzana si začali uvedomovať, že ich považujú za súčasť šou.En: Peter and Zuzana began to realize that they were being mistaken for part of the show.Sk: "Ale, ale, môj milý rytier, kde máte svoj meč?" povedala elegantná dáma v drahom kostýme a ukázala na Zuzanu.En: "Well, well, my dear knight, where is your sword?" an elegant lady in an expensive costume said, pointing at Zuzana.Sk: Zuzana sa smiala...