Poker Night Reunion: A Sibling's Unexpected Gamble
FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Poker Night Reunion: A Sibling's Unexpected Gamble Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Letná noc bola teplá.En: The summer night was warm.Sk: Hustý dym zaplňoval miestnosť.En: Thick smoke filled the room.Sk: Pokerový stôl bol osvetlený slabým svetlom.En: The poker table was illuminated by dim light.Sk: Marek sedel pri stole, oči uprené na karty.En: Marek sat at the table, eyes fixed on the cards.Sk: Bol ostrieľaným hráčom.En: He was a seasoned player.Sk: Hral najlepšie, ako vedel, ale v ten večer mal inú misiu.En: He played as best as he could, but that evening he had another mission.Sk: Hľadal svoju dávno stratenú sestru, Jolanu.En: He was searching for his long-lost sister, Jolana.Sk: Jolana bola záhadnou hráčkou.En: Jolana was a mysterious player.Sk: Nosila veľký klobúk a tmavé okuliare.En: She wore a large hat and dark glasses.Sk: Po celý čas si maskovala svoju totožnosť.En: She masked her identity the entire time.Sk: Marekovi sa zdalo, že tá neznáma žena má podobne mnoho gest a pohybov ako Jolana.En: Marek thought that the unknown woman exhibited many of the same gestures and movements as Jolana.Sk: Srdce mu bilo rýchlejšie.En: His heart beat faster.Sk: "Je to ona?En: "Is it her?"Sk: " premýšľal Marek.En: Marek pondered.Sk: Chcel vedieť pravdu.En: He wanted to know the truth.Sk: Ale nemohol si dovoliť riskovať svoju hru.En: But he couldn't afford to risk his game.Sk: Musel hrať chladnokrvne.En: He had to play coolly.Sk: Nebolo jednoduché sústrediť sa medzi napätými tvárami ostatných hráčov a zakúrenou atmosférou.En: It was not easy to focus among the tense faces of the other players and the smoky atmosphere.Sk: Hra pokračovala.En: The game continued.Sk: Čipy prútili na stôl.En: Chips shuffled onto the table.Sk: Sem-tam niekto prehral, niekto vyhral.En: Now and then, someone lost, someone won.Sk: Marek bol nervózny, ale nezradil sa.En: Marek was nervous, but he didn't let it show.Sk: Každá ruka bola kritická.En: Every hand was critical.Sk: Stále pozoroval tajomnú ženu.En: He kept watching the mysterious woman.Sk: Karty sa rozdávali.En: The cards were dealt.Sk: Marek mal dobrú kombináciu.En: Marek had a good combination.Sk: Rozhodol sa riskovať.En: He decided to risk it.Sk: Pozrel sa priamo na ženské oči, ktoré sa skrývali za tmavými okuliarami.En: He looked directly into the woman's eyes hiding behind the dark glasses.Sk: „Väčšia suma,“ povedal.En: "Higher amount," he said.Sk: Všetci sa prestali dívať na karty a obrátili sa k Marekovi.En: Everyone stopped looking at their cards and turned to Marek.Sk: Jolana zareagovala.En: Jolana reacted.Sk: Podvihla si okuliare a prehovorila: „Stavím sa.En: She lifted her glasses and spoke: "I'll match that."Sk: “ Marek spoznal hlas, ktorý sa mu vracal v spomienkach.En: Marek recognized the voice that echoed in his memories.Sk: Bolo to dlhé roky, ale nemohol sa mýliť.En: It had been many years, but he couldn't be mistaken.Sk: Bola to ona, jeho sestra.En: It was her, his sister.Sk: Napätie rástlo.En: The tension grew.Sk: Ostatní...