Queen of Cabbages: A Slippery Mishap!
FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by FluentFiction.org
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Queen of Cabbages: A Slippery Mishap! Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/queen-of-cabbages-a-slippery-mishap Story Transcript:Sk: Včera ráno sa stala v našom malom mestečku vtipná vec.En: Yesterday morning, something funny happened in our small town.Sk: Na rohu ulice, kde práve vychádzalo slnko, stál malý obchodík so zeleninou, kde sa to všetko odohralo.En: At the corner of the street, where the sun was just rising, stood a small vegetable shop, where everything unfolded.Sk: Jana, ktorá bola známa svojím rýchlym krokom a veselým smiechom, tam išla pre čerstvú kapustu na večerný šalát.En: Jana, known for her quick stride and cheerful laugh, went there to get fresh cabbage for the evening salad.Sk: Obchod bol jej obľúbený, pretože tam pracoval jej dobrý priateľ Peter, ktorý vždy vedel, aká zelenina je najčerstvejšia.En: The shop was her favorite because her good friend Peter worked there, and he always knew which vegetables were the freshest.Sk: Ako sa Jana ponáhľala medzi regálmi, nevšimla si mokrú podlahu, kde niekto nedávno rozlial vodu.En: As Jana hurried between the shelves, she didn't notice the wet floor where someone had recently spilled water.Sk: S očami upretými na veľkú, zelenú kapustu, ktorá sa leskla pri západe slnka, sa zamerala len na svoj cieľ.En: With her eyes fixed on a big, green cabbage glistening in the sunset, she focused only on her goal.Sk: Zrazu, s rýchlym pohybom klzka podlaha ju prekvapila a Jana sa ocitla vo vzduchu.En: Suddenly, the slippery floor surprised her with a quick slip, and Jana found herself in the air.Sk: Jej nohy leteli nad hlavou a ona sama pristála priamo v húževnatom objatí kapusty!En: Her legs flew over her head, and she landed right in the embracing arms of the cabbage!Sk: Celý obchod stíchol.En: The entire shop fell silent.Sk: Peter, ktorý práve poradal staršej pani s jablkami, sa otočil a uvidel Janu ležiacu medzi zeleným listím.En: Peter, who was just serving an elderly lady with apples, turned around and saw Jana lying amongst the green leaves.Sk: Jej tvár bola červená ako paradajka a na čele sa jej vytvoril malý zelený odtlačok listu kapusty.En: Her face was as red as a tomato, and a small green imprint of cabbage leaf formed on her forehead.Sk: Na chvíľku všetci zákazníci len stáli a pozerali, až kým Peter nevybuchol smiechom.En: For a moment, all the customers just stood and watched until Peter burst into laughter.Sk: Jeho hlas sa rozliehal celým obchodom.En: His voice echoed throughout the shop.Sk: Aj Jana, hoci najprv v šoku, sa neubránila a začala sa smiať tiež.En: Even Jana, though initially shocked, couldn't help but start laughing too.Sk: Peter pristúpil k Jane, podal jej ruku a pomohol jej vstať.En: Peter approached Jana, offered her his hand, and helped her up.Sk: "Jana, ty si naša kapustová kráľovná!En: "Jana, you are our cabbage queen!"Sk: " povedal s usmevom.En: he said with a smile.Sk: Zrazu sa celý obchod naplnil smiechom a dobrou náladou.En: Suddenly, the whole shop filled with laughter and good cheer.Sk: Jana, hoci trochu zmätená a s vlasmi plnými lístkov kapusty, bola rada, že môže byť príčinou radosti.En: Although a little confused and with her hair full of cabbage leaves, Jana was glad she could be the cause of joy.Sk: A tak sa smiali, zbierali letáce kapusty a umývali podlahu spolu s inými zákazníkmi, ktorí im teraz ochotne pomáhali.En: And so they laughed, collected...