Rekindling Christmas Spirit: A Tale of Love and Reconciliation

FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Rekindling Christmas Spirit: A Tale of Love and Reconciliation Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Vianočné trhy v Bratislave boli vždy čarovné.En: The Christmas markets in Bratislava were always magical.Sk: Svetielka žiarili ako hviezdy, vzduchom sa niesla vôňa vareného vína a pečených gaštanov, a sneh padal jemne na dláždené uličky.En: The lights shone like stars, the air was filled with the scent of mulled wine and roasted chestnuts, and snow gently fell on the cobblestone streets.Sk: Milan kráčal medzi stánkami, oči neodtrhával od všetkých tých pokladov.En: Milan walked among the stalls, his eyes captivated by all the treasures.Sk: Ale jeho myšlienky boli inde.En: But his thoughts were elsewhere.Sk: Milan a jeho sestra Zuzana sa pred časom pohádali.En: Milan and his sister Zuzana had a falling out some time ago.Sk: Boli síce súrodenci, ale rozdiely medzi nimi rástli a teraz sa skoro ani nerozprávali.En: Although they were siblings, their differences grew, and now they barely spoke to each other.Sk: Milan chytil do ruky jemnú sklenú ozdobu v tvare srdca.En: Milan picked up a delicate glass ornament in the shape of a heart.Sk: Premýšľal, či by sa jej páčila.En: He wondered if she would like it.Sk: Vedel, že musel nájsť ten správny darček, ktorý by vyjadril jeho ospravedlnenie a prianie zmieriť sa.En: He knew he had to find the right gift that would express his apology and his wish to reconcile.Sk: Zastavil sa pri stánku s ručne robenými ozdobami.En: He stopped at a stall with handmade ornaments.Sk: Jedna bola zvláštna.En: One was special.Sk: Bola to malá kôrová sánka so zvončekmi, ktorú kedysi ako deti obaja mali na stromčeku.En: It was a small bark sled with bells, just like the one they both had on their tree as children.Sk: Prišlo mu na myseľ toľko spomienok.En: So many memories came to his mind.Sk: Cítil, že toto bol ten pravý darček.En: He felt this was the right gift.Sk: Keď našiel Zuzanu, stála pod veľkým stromom na námestí.En: When he found Zuzana, she was standing under the large tree in the square.Sk: Vyzerala zamyslene, trochu smutná.En: She looked thoughtful, a little sad.Sk: Bol čas na rozhovor.En: It was time to talk.Sk: Milan za ňou prišiel, v ruke pevne držal darček v taške.En: Milan approached her, holding the gift tightly in a bag.Sk: "Zuzana, vieš, že mi je naozaj ľúto, ako sme sa vzdialili.En: "Zuzana, you know I'm really sorry about how we've drifted apart.Sk: Chcem to napraviť.En: I want to make it right."Sk: "Zuzana sa naňho pozrela s jemným úsmevom, no váhavosť v jej očiach bola zjavná.En: Zuzana looked at him with a gentle smile, but there was noticeable hesitation in her eyes.Sk: "Milan, ja som len sklamaná, že sme prestali byť blízki," povedala.En: "Milan, I'm just disappointed that we've stopped being close," she said.Sk: A tu Milan vedel, že musí urobiť čosi viac než len podať dar.En: And in that moment, Milan knew he had to do more than just offer a gift.Sk: "Vieš, to nie je len o darčeku," začal.En: "You know, it's not just about the gift," he began.Sk: "Je to viac než len tieto sviatky.En: "It's more than just these holidays.Sk: Chcem začať odznova, byť správny brat.En: I want to start over, to be a good brother.Sk: Tento zvonček mi pripomína,...