Reunion Riddles: A Cousin's Quest in Bratislava
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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Reunion Riddles: A Cousin's Quest in Bratislava Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Na malej uličke uprostred Bratislavy, v srdci Starého Mesta, príbeh našej Evičky začína.En: In a small alley in the heart of Bratislava's Old Town, our little Eva's story begins.Sk: Slnko lenivo viselo na oblohe a lúče si hrali na kockované dláždenie, občas skryté tienmi prechádzajúcich ľudí.En: The sun lazily hung in the sky, its rays playing on the checkered pavement, occasionally hidden by the shadows of passersby.Sk: Hluk dobrej nálady a hudba odnikiaľ a všade sprevádzali život mesta.En: The sound of cheer and music from everywhere accompanied the city's life.Sk: Eva unavená z dlhých chôdz nachádzala potešenie v prehliadke farebných obchodíkov a iných lákadiel.En: Tired from long walks, Eva found pleasure in browsing the colorful shops and other attractions.Sk: Avšak jej srdce bolo ťažké.En: But her heart was heavy.Sk: Už mesiace hľadala svojho straténeho bratranca Petra, ktorý z neznámych príčin záhadne zmizol.En: For months, she had been searching for her lost cousin, Peter, who mysteriously disappeared for unknown reasons.Sk: Na jej cestách prešla nespočetné mestečká a dediny, no stopy viedli do Bratislavy a potom sa stratili ako dym v vetre.En: In her travels, she had crossed countless towns and villages, but the trail led to Bratislava and then vanished like smoke in the wind.Sk: A tam, uprostred Hlavného námestia, pri fontáne, kde sa deti smiali a striekala voda, Eva zbadala postavu, ktorá jej srdce na moment zastalo: zdalo sa jej, že v tieni starého stromu stojí Peter.En: And there, in the middle of the Main Square, by the fountain where children laughed and water splashed, Eva spotted a figure that made her heart skip a beat: she thought she saw Peter standing in the shadow of an old tree.Sk: Tá postava, oblečená v farebnom kostýme a so širokým úsmevom, hrála na gitaru a obklopila ju skupina zvedavých divákov.En: The figure, dressed in a colorful costume and with a wide smile, was playing the guitar and surrounded by a group of curious onlookers.Sk: Eva, bez akejkoľvek pochýb, sa k nemu rozbehla.En: Without a doubt, Eva ran towards him.Sk: Ako blížila, čoraz viac ju presviedčalo, že je to on, Peter.En: As she got closer, she became more convinced that it was indeed Peter.Sk: Ale keď prišla bližšie, zistila, že to nie je bratranec, ale uličný umelec.En: But when she came closer, she realized that it was not her cousin, but a street artist.Sk: "Peter?En: "Peter?"Sk: " zapýtal sa s prekvapením v hlase, keď Eva uchopila jeho ruku.En: she asked, surprise in her voice, as she grabbed his hand.Sk: Umelec sa zastavil a s úsmevom na lícach krútil hlavou.En: The artist stopped and with a smile on his face, shook his head.Sk: "Aj tak sa volám, ale nie som ten, ktorého hľadáte," povedal muž s hrejivým tónom a vediaci pohľadom.En: "That's my name, but I'm not the one you're looking for," the man said with a warm tone and a knowing look.Sk: Eva cítila, ako jej líca horia hanbou.En: Eva felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment.Sk: "Prepáčte, myslela som, že ste niekto iný," vysvetlila zmätene.En: "I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else," she explained, confused.Sk: Tento omyl však dal dohromady Eva, muža v kostýme - ktorého meno sa náhodou tiež volalo Peter - a zástup zvedavých turistov, ktorí s radosťou...