Salted Sips & Sweet Encounters in Bratislava
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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Salted Sips & Sweet Encounters in Bratislava Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: V malebných uličkách staroby Bratislavy sa každé ráno rozliehala vôňa čerstvo upečených rožkov a kávy.En: In the picturesque streets of old Bratislava, the scent of freshly baked croissants and coffee wafted through every morning.Sk: Aj Jozef si práve dnes vybral na posedenie malú útulnú kaviareň na Hlavnom námestí, kde stretnutia a nečakané príbehy boli na dennom poriadku.En: This particular day, Jozef chose a cozy little café in the Main Square for a leisurely sit-down, where encounters and unexpected stories were part of the daily routine.Sk: Jozef, uznávaný maliar, sa tu zamyslene posadil k vonkajšiemu stolu, aby mohol pozorovať ľudí a hľadať inšpiráciu.En: Jozef, a recognized painter, sat thoughtfully at an outdoor table, observing people and seeking inspiration.Sk: Objednal si svoje obľúbené cappuccino a pripravil sa na maľovanie.En: He ordered his favorite cappuccino and prepared to start painting.Sk: Vedľa jeho šálky stál maličký kryštáľový džbánok, ktorý podľa všetkého obsahoval cukor.En: Next to his cup sat a tiny crystal pitcher, presumably holding sugar.Sk: Horúci deň pozvoľna ustupoval a Jozef, zahĺbený do svojej práce, sa bez premýšľania snažil osladiť si kávu.En: As the hot day slowly receded, Jozef, engrossed in his work, absentmindedly tried to sweeten his coffee.Sk: Čím však prvý hlt pristúpil k jeho perám, uvedomil si, že chuť je iná, neobvykle horká.En: However, as the first sip reached his lips, he realized that the taste was different, unusually bitter.Sk: Zamračil sa a ochutnal ešte raz – namiesto cukru dal do kávy soľ!En: He scowled and tasted it again — instead of sugar, he had added salt to his coffee!Sk: V tom momente si ku Jozefovi prisadla mladá dáma so žiariacim úsmevom.En: At that moment, a young lady with a radiant smile joined Jozef.Sk: "Túto chybu urobíte často?En: "Do you make this mistake often?"Sk: " načala rozhovor so zvedavosťou vo vzduchu.En: she started the conversation with curiosity in the air.Sk: Bola to Eva, ktorá pracovala v galérii neďaleko a často chodila do tejto kaviarne na prestávku.En: It was Eva, who worked at a nearby gallery and often came to this café for a break.Sk: Aj napriek nepodarenej káve sa Jozef zasmial a odpovedal, že je to po prvýkrát.En: Despite the failed coffee, Jozef laughed and replied that it was the first time.Sk: Eva zasvätila Jozefa do tajomstva kaviarne – soľného džbánka, ktorý sa niekedy pomýli s cukrovým.En: Eva divulged the café's secret to Jozef — the salt pitcher, which sometimes gets mistaken for the sugar.Sk: Bola to malá chybička, ktorá sa vždy zapísala do spomienok hosťov.En: It was a small mistake that always left a mark in the guests' memories.Sk: Zabudol na zlú chuť kávy, pretože Eva svojím príbehom oživila jeho pokazený deň.En: Jozef forgot about the bad taste of the coffee because Eva had enlivened his day with her story.Sk: V tom čase sa k nim pripojila Katarína, Eviná dobrá priateľka a čašníčka v kaviarni.En: At that moment, Katarína, Eva's close friend and a waitress at the café, joined them.Sk: So srdcervúcim ospravedlnením priniesla Jozefovi novú šálku cappuccina, tentokrát so správnou dávkou cukru.En: With heartfelt apologies, she brought Jozef a new cup of cappuccino, this time with the right amount of sugar.Sk:...