Secrets Beneath: Discoveries in the School's Hidden Bunker

FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Secrets Beneath: Discoveries in the School's Hidden Bunker Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: V ponurej jeseňovej záhrade školy, Martin a Lucia stáli pred tajným bunkrom, o ktorom kolovali nespočetné legendy.En: In the gloomy autumn garden of the school, Martin and Lucia stood before the secret bunker, about which countless legends had circulated.Sk: Martin sa snažil presvedčiť svoju prísnu učiteľku, že ich projekt o studenej vojne má hodnotu.En: Martin was trying to convince his strict teacher that their Cold War project had merit.Sk: Lucia, so svetlami v očiach, len dúfala, že objavia niečo viac než len staré steny a prach.En: Lucia, with a sparkle in her eyes, hoped they would discover more than just old walls and dust.Sk: „To je ono, Lucia,“ vravel Martin, očami skúmajúc tmavý vchod do bunkra.En: "This is it, Lucia," Martin said, his eyes scanning the dark entrance to the bunker.Sk: „Musíme dokázať, že tu bol špionážny činnosť.“En: "We need to prove that there was espionage activity here."Sk: Lucia, ktorá sa rada vrhala po hlave do dobrodružstiev, mu prikývla.En: Lucia, who loved diving headfirst into adventures, nodded in agreement.Sk: Aj keď bola skeptická, začínalo ju lákať očarenie miesta.En: Though skeptical, she began to be captivated by the allure of the place.Sk: Vstúpili spolu do temnej chodby bunkra.En: Together, they ventured into the dark corridor of the bunker.Sk: Vzduch bol studený, a všade okolo nich sa vznášal pach vlhkosti a hrdze.En: The air was cold, and the smell of dampness and rust lingered around them.Sk: „Čo ak objavíme niečo mimo histórie?“ šepkala Lucia.En: "What if we discover something beyond history?" Lucia whispered.Sk: „Niečo, čo je naozaj dobrodružné.“En: "Something truly adventurous."Sk: Martin ju zahriakol, zatiaľ čo jeho baterka osvetľovala staré zbrane a vybavenie.En: Martin hushed her as his flashlight illuminated old weapons and equipment.Sk: Ale aj jeho viera sa začínala oslabovať.En: But even his faith began to waver.Sk: Uprostred týchto artefaktov sa zdali všetky histórie ešte vzdialenejšie.En: In the midst of these artifacts, all histories seemed even more distant.Sk: V tichu sa náhle ozval zvláštny zvuk.En: Suddenly, an unusual sound echoed in the silence.Sk: Bol to tikot, jemné klikanie, ktoré najprv Martin považoval za neskutočné.En: It was a ticking, a gentle clicking that Martin had initially thought was unreal.Sk: „Čo to bolo?“ spýtala sa Lucia, oči široko otvorené.En: "What was that?" Lucia asked, her eyes wide open.Sk: Krok po kroku sa dostali hlbšie do bunkra.En: Step by step, they ventured deeper into the bunker.Sk: Objavili zakrytú sekciu za starou oceľovou plachtou.En: They discovered a hidden section behind an old steel curtain.Sk: Martin nenašiel dôkaz špionáže, ale niečo ako schránky.En: Martin didn't find evidence of espionage but stumbled upon something akin to boxes.Sk: Lucia sa nadýchla. „Poď sem, Martin!“En: Lucia gasped, "Come here, Martin!"Sk: Obaja stáli pred tajomným otvorom.En: They both stood before the mysterious opening.Sk: Práve vo chvíli, keď sa zdalo, že nájdu niečo významné, svetlá zhasli.En: Just when it seemed like they were about to find something significant, the lights went out.Sk: Bunkrom zaznela...