Secrets of the Sands: A Desert Expedition's Revelation

FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Secrets of the Sands: A Desert Expedition's Revelation Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Sahara.En: Sahara.Sk: Nekonečný piesok, žiarivé slnko a uprostred toho Marek a Aneta.En: Endless sand, a blazing sun, and in the middle of it all, Marek and Aneta.Sk: Boli v strede rôznych dun, ktoré sa zdali byť bez života, ale táto práca mala pre nich veľký význam.En: They were in the midst of various dunes, which seemed lifeless, but this work held great significance for them.Sk: Bola zima, ale slnko stále pálilo.En: It was winter, but the sun still burned.Sk: Bolo na začiatku nového roka.En: It was the beginning of a new year.Sk: Marek bol plný nadšenia.En: Marek was full of enthusiasm.Sk: Veril, že Sahara skrýva tajomstvá, ktoré ešte nikto neodhalil.En: He believed the Sahara hid secrets that no one had yet uncovered.Sk: Ráno začali kopať.En: In the morning, they began to dig.Sk: Marek si bol istý, že práve toto miesto je správne.En: Marek was certain this was the right place.Sk: Aneta si však bola menej istá.En: Aneta, however, was less sure.Sk: "Marek, si si istý?En: "Marek, are you sure?Sk: Je tu veľa piesku.En: There's a lot of sand here.Sk: Môže to byť zbytočné," povedala skepticky.En: It might be pointless," she said skeptically.Sk: Ale Marek sa nedal odradiť.En: But Marek was undeterred.Sk: "Musíme skúsiť.En: "We have to try.Sk: Ak tu niečo je, musíme to nájsť.En: If there's something here, we must find it."Sk: " Aneta povzdychla, ale pomáhala, ako vždy.En: Aneta sighed but helped, as always.Sk: Pot piastol z čela, kopy piesku postupne ubúdali.En: Sweat dripped from his forehead, the piles of sand gradually diminished.Sk: Marek stále hlbšie kopal.En: Marek kept digging deeper.Sk: Čas bežal a s ním aj ich zásoby vody a jedla.En: Time passed, and with it, their supplies of water and food.Sk: Anetu to znepokojovalo.En: This worried Aneta.Sk: Bolo to riziko, ale Marek bol rozhodnutý.En: It was a risk, but Marek was determined.Sk: Na piaty deň sa situácia zmenila.En: On the fifth day, the situation changed.Sk: Marek narazil na niečo tvrdé.En: Marek struck something hard.Sk: Bola to stará doska s vyrytým obrazom.En: It was an old board with a carved image.Sk: Marekove oči zažiarili.En: Marek's eyes lit up.Sk: "Aneta, pozri!En: "Aneta, look!Sk: Toto môže byť prelom.En: This could be a breakthrough."Sk: " Aneta si dosku pozorne prezrela.En: Aneta examined the board carefully.Sk: Nebola to obyčajná kresba.En: It wasn't an ordinary drawing.Sk: Mohla zmeniť históriu.En: It could change history.Sk: V tom sa obloha začala meniť.En: Then the sky began to change.Sk: Vietor zdvíhal piesok.En: The wind lifted the sand.Sk: "Piesočná búrka!En: "Sandstorm!"Sk: " zakričala Aneta.En: shouted Aneta.Sk: Obaja rýchlo začali hrabať piesok, aby ochránili dosku.En: Both quickly began to dig the sand to protect the board.Sk: Vietor ich tlačil, piesok bol všade.En: The wind pushed them; sand was everywhere.Sk: Museli sa dostať do tábora.En: They had to get to the camp.Sk: Držali sa za ruky,...