Snow-Covered Journey: A Family Christmas Adventure
FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Snow-Covered Journey: A Family Christmas Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Marek sedel pri okne vo svojej útulnej obývačke, obklopený tichom zasneženej brány komunity.En: Marek sat by the window in his cozy living room, surrounded by the silence of the snow-covered community gate.Sk: Okolie bolo krásne, biele snehové vločky sa pomaly znášali na ihličnany, zdobené svietiacimi svetielkami.En: The surroundings were beautiful, white snowflakes slowly falling upon the evergreens adorned with twinkling lights.Sk: Bol december, blížili sa Vianoce.En: It was December, and Christmas was approaching.Sk: Marekovi mysľou prechádzali obavy.En: Marek had worries running through his mind.Sk: Plánoval s Jankou a Vierou, ich malou dcérou, vyraziť do Tatier.En: He planned to set out to the Tatry with Janka and Viera, their little daughter.Sk: Chceli stráviť Vianoce spolu so svojimi rodičmi.En: They wanted to spend Christmas together with their parents.Sk: Predpoveď počasia však nebola priaznivá.En: However, the weather forecast was not favorable.Sk: V oblasti sa očakával silný sneh a búrka.En: Heavy snow and a storm were expected in the area.Sk: Marek sa obával, či dorazia včas.En: Marek worried if they would arrive on time.Sk: Janka, ktorá práve balila kufre, vytiahla hlavu z izby a usmiala sa.En: Janka, who was just packing the suitcases, popped her head out of the room and smiled.Sk: "Neboj sa, Marek," povedala optimisticky, "všetko sa nakoniec podarí.En: "Don't worry, Marek," she said optimistically, "everything will work out in the end.Sk: Ak budeme držať spolu, nič nás nezastaví.En: If we stick together, nothing will stop us."Sk: "Marek sa pousmial, ale obavy ho stále neopúšťali.En: Marek smiled back, but his worries still lingered.Sk: Popoludní, keď všetko naložili do auta, skontroloval trasu.En: In the afternoon, when they loaded everything into the car, he checked the route.Sk: Cesta do Tatier by mala trvať len niekoľko hodín, ale za týchto podmienok mohla byť oveľa dlhšia.En: The journey to the Tatry should only take a few hours, but under these conditions it could be much longer.Sk: Viera sa už nemohla dočkať.En: Viera could hardly wait.Sk: "Tatin, už ideme?En: "Daddy, are we going yet?Sk: Chcem vidieť deda a babku!En: I want to see grandpa and grandma!Sk: A sánkovať sa!En: And go sledding!"Sk: " volala z vedľajšieho sedadla.En: she called from the back seat.Sk: Marek pohľadom prešiel mapu na displeji auta.En: Marek glanced at the map on the car's display.Sk: Videli pred sebou dve možnosti.En: They saw two options ahead of them.Sk: Počkať, kým búrka pominie, čo by mohlo znamenať, že prídu až po Vianociach.En: Wait until the storm passes, which could mean arriving after Christmas.Sk: Alebo ísť okľukou, ktorá by ich síce mohla doviesť rýchlejšie, ale aj riskantnejšie.En: Or take a detour, which might get them there faster but also posed risks.Sk: Zhlboka sa nadýchol a rozhodol sa.En: He took a deep breath and made his decision.Sk: "Skúsime to okľukou," povedal pevne.En: "We'll try the detour," he said firmly.Sk: Na ceste sa sneh kopil čoraz viac.En: The snow on the road kept piling up.Sk: Marek držal volant pevne a oči upieral na cestu.En: Marek held...