Sour Surprise at the Small Town Store!
FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Sour Surprise at the Small Town Store! Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: V malom mestečku, uprostred uponáhľaných ulíc, stála malá potravina, kam ľudia chodili za čerstvým ovocím, chrumkavým pečivom a vôňou domáceho.En: In a small town, amidst the bustling streets, stood a small grocery store where people went for fresh fruit, crisp bread, and the scent of homemade goods.Sk: Práve sem každú sobotu zavítal Martin so svojimi priateľmi Evou a Lukášom na nákup týždňových potrieb.En: Every Saturday, Martin would visit with his friends Eva and Lukáš to buy weekly supplies.Sk: Tentokrát si Martin vypýtal zoznam od svojej mamy, pretože chcel dokázať, že je už dostatočne veľký na to, aby zvládol nákup sám.En: This time, Martin asked his mom for a list because he wanted to prove that he was old enough to handle the shopping on his own.Sk: Na zozname písalo: "zemiaky, mlieko, maslo, a čerešňový džem".En: The list read, "potatoes, milk, butter, and cherry jam."Sk: Eva a Lukáš spolu prechádzali oddelenie s ovocím a zeleninou, zatiaľ čo Martin zamieril do regálu s konzervami.En: Eva and Lukáš were browsing the fruits and vegetables section while Martin headed to the canned goods aisle.Sk: Stál tam Martin, zahĺbený do svojich myšlienok, hľadajúc ten najlepší čerešňový džem, keď jeho oči padli na pohár s nápadne červenou náplňou.En: Martin stood there, lost in his thoughts, looking for the best cherry jam, when his eyes fell on a jar with a distinctly red filling.Sk: Bez čítania etikety ho ihneď vzal do ruky, mysliac si, že našiel, čo hľadá.En: Without reading the label, he immediately picked it up, thinking he had found what he was looking for.Sk: V tesnej blízkosti žiarila reklama, že tento týždeň je džem v zľave, a tak si Martin myslel, že práve ušetril.En: Close by, a sign glowed, indicating that the jam was on sale that week, so Martin thought he had just saved some money.Sk: S hrdosťou sa prechádzal k pokladni, kde už Eva s Lukášom čakali s plným košíkom.En: Proudly, he walked to the checkout where Eva and Lukáš were already waiting with a full basket.Sk: Domov sa vracali plní očakávania na chutné pohostenie.En: They returned home, eagerly anticipating a tasty treat.Sk: Martin sa už nevedel dočkať a hneď, ako vošli do kuchyne, rozbalil nákup.En: Martin couldn't wait and as soon as they entered the kitchen, he unpacked their purchases.Sk: Eva mu podala veľkú lyžicu a Martin, s hrdým úsmevom, otvoril pohár a nabral poctivý kúsok.En: Eva handed him a big spoon and with a proud smile, Martin opened the jar and took a generous scoop.Sk: Všetci sa zmrazení pozerali, ako si dáva lyžicu do úst... a náhle, jeho tvár sa zmenila na neuveriteľne kyslé výrazy!En: Everyone watched in frozen surprise as he put the spoon into his mouth... and suddenly, his expression turned incredibly sour!Sk: S údivom zistil, že namiesto čerešňového džemu mal v ústach nakladané uhorky!En: To his amazement, he realized that instead of cherry jam, he had eaten pickled cucumbers!Sk: Jeho priatelia sa smiali, až im vytekali slzy.En: His friends laughed until tears streamed down their cheeks.Sk: "Martin, ty si sa akurát naučil dôležitú životnú lekciu – vždy si prečítaj etiketu!" vtipkovala Eva medzi smiechom.En: "Martin, you just learned an important life lesson - always read the label!" joked Eva amid the laughter.Sk: Lukaš pridal: "Aspoň si mal možnosť vyskúšať niečo nové!".En:...