Stage Fright to Ovation: Marek's Winter Breakthrough

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Stage Fright to Ovation: Marek's Winter Breakthrough Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Marek sedel v rohu a pozoroval, ako sa snehové vločky pomaly usádzajú na oknách komunitného centra.En: Marek sat in the corner and watched as the snowflakes slowly settled on the windows of the community center.Sk: V izbe bolo teplo a zneli tu zvuky hudby a smiechu.En: The room was warm, filled with sounds of music and laughter.Sk: Blížila sa Škola zimného predstavenia a obavy sa mu ukladali v žalúdku ako ľadové kamienky.En: The Winter Performance School was approaching, and worries settled in his stomach like icy pebbles.Sk: Marek mal rád divadlo.En: Marek loved theater.Sk: V kúte srdca túžil vystúpiť pred divákmi a zaujať všetkých.En: In the corner of his heart, he longed to perform in front of an audience and captivate everyone.Sk: Ale jeho tréma mu vždy stála v ceste.En: But his stage fright always stood in his way.Sk: S úzkosťou vnímal Jozefa, ktorý zatiaľ križoval izbu plný sebavedomia.En: With anxiety, he noticed Jozef, who was confidently moving across the room.Sk: Jozef hral hlavnú rolu a všetci ho obdivovali.En: Jozef had the lead role, and everyone admired him.Sk: No Marek najviac túžil zapôsobiť na Zuzanu, ktorá bola rozjasnená energiou ako januárový oheň.En: But Marek most wanted to impress Zuzana, who was as vibrant as a January fire.Sk: Nasledujúce dni začínal Marek trénovať po škole sám, v prázdnom komunitnom centre.En: In the following days, Marek began training alone after school in the empty community center.Sk: Cítil ticho a pokoj.En: He felt quiet and at peace.Sk: Predstavoval si, že sedadlá sú plné a on stojí uprostred pódia.En: He imagined the seats were full, and he stood in the middle of the stage.Sk: Keď raz cvičil, vstúpil mu do cesty Jozef.En: One time while practicing, Jozef crossed his path.Sk: Ale tentokrát nemal posmešky.En: But this time, there were no taunts.Sk: „Ak potrebuješ pomoc, povedz.En: "If you need help, just say.Sk: Závidím tvoju odvahu,“ povedal.En: I envy your courage," he said.Sk: Marek bol zaskočený.En: Marek was taken aback.Sk: Jedného popoludnia prišla do miestnosti Zuzana práve vtedy, keď sa Marek pokúšal o svoj part.En: One afternoon, Zuzana came into the room just as Marek was working on his part.Sk: Zvraštil sa, zovrelo mu hrdlo, a chcel utiecť.En: He got flustered, his throat tightened, and he wanted to run away.Sk: Zuzana sa na neho pozrela a s úsmevom povedala: „Znieš dobre, Marek.En: Zuzana looked at him and said with a smile, "You sound good, Marek.Sk: Len si ver.En: Just believe in yourself."Sk: “ Jej povzbudenie bolo presne to, čo potreboval.En: Her encouragement was exactly what he needed.Sk: Dni ubiehali a prišiel deň predstavenia.En: Days passed, and the performance day arrived.Sk: Marek, vnútorne pokojný, stúpil na pódium.En: Marek, internally calm, stepped onto the stage.Sk: Zaspieval svoje sólo a zvuk jeho hlasu naplnil miestnosť.En: He sang his solo, and the sound of his voice filled the room.Sk: Keď skončil, sály zaznel potlesk.En: When he finished, the hall erupted in applause.Sk: Jozef, ktorý ho postrčil a povzbudil, bol medzi tými, ktorí tlieskali najhlasnejšie.En: Jozef, who had nudged and encouraged him, was...