Statue Chat: A Laughter-Filled Day!

FluentFiction - Slovak - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Statue Chat: A Laughter-Filled Day! Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Slnko svietilo nad Bratislavou a hlavné námestie žilo svojim obvyklým každodenným ruchom.En: The sun was shining over Bratislava and the main square was alive with its usual everyday bustle.Sk: Lukáš a Jana sa rozhodli užiť si tento krásny deň a vybrali sa na prechádzku mestom.En: Lukáš and Jana decided to enjoy this beautiful day and went for a walk through the city.Sk: Keď prechádzali okolo starobylých budov a fontán, Lukášova pozornosť bola pritiahnutá k nehybnej postave, ktorá stála uprostred námestia.En: As they passed by the ancient buildings and fountains, Lukáš' attention was drawn to a motionless figure standing in the middle of the square.Sk: Postava bola oblečená ako historický vojak a vyzerala veľmi živo.En: The figure was dressed like a historical soldier and looked very lifelike.Sk: Pozri, Jana! Tam musí byť uličný umeliec, ktorý sa vydáva za sochu, aby zabavil ľudí!En: Look, Jana! There must be a street performer pretending to be a statue to entertain people!Sk: povedal nadšene Lukáš.En: Lukáš exclaimed excitedly.Sk: Jana sa usmiala a pozerala sa na Lukáša ako napätie odchádzal k postave.En: Jana smiled and watched Lukáš as he approached the figure.Sk: Lukáš pomaly kráčal k soche, celkom presvedčený o tom, že to je umeliec.En: Lukáš walked slowly towards the statue, fully convinced that it was a performer.Sk: Dobrý deň, pán vojak! pozdravil Lukáš a čakal na reakciu.En: Good day, Mr. Soldier! greeted Lukáš, waiting for a response.Sk: Ale nikto neodpovedal.En: But no one answered.Sk: Musíte mať veľa príbehov zo svojich dobrodružstiev, pokračoval Lukáš, ešte stále si nemyslí, že je to skutočná socha.En: You must have many stories from your adventures, continued Lukáš, still not believing it was a real statue.Sk: Jana sa neubránila smiechu, zatiaľ čo Lukáš nadšene rozprával so sochou.En: Unable to contain her laughter, Jana watched as Lukáš enthusiastically conversed with the statue.Sk: Lukáš, to nie je uličný umeliec, to je skutočná socha!En: Lukáš, that's not a street performer, that's a real statue!Sk: zvolala Jana medzi smiechom.En: Jana exclaimed amidst laughter.Sk: Lukáš sa zatváril prekvapene a obrátil sa, aby si prezrel sochu oveľa bližšie.En: Lukáš looked surprised and turned around to take a closer look at the statue.Sk: Na tvári sa mu objavil smiech, keď si uvedomil, akú chybu urobil.En: A smile spread across his face as he realized his mistake.Sk: Veď to je naozaj socha!En: It really is a statue!Sk: vydýchol Lukáš a zapojil sa do Janinho smiechu.En: Lukáš breathed out and joined in Jana's laughter.Sk: Oba sa rozosmiali tak veľmi, že ich smiech naplnil celé námestie.En: Both of them laughed so much that their laughter filled the entire square.Sk: Z tejto zábavnej situácie sa stanil ich malý vnútorný vtip.En: This funny situation became their little inside joke.Sk: Na konci dňa prechádzali okolo sochy ešte raz, Lukáš pokynul soche s humorom:En: At the end of the day, as they passed by the statue once more, Lukáš waved to the statue humorously,Sk: Do videnia, pán vojak. Ďakujeme za dnešnú zábavu!En: Goodbye, Mr. Soldier. Thank you for today's entertainment!Sk: a obaja sa spolu rozesmiali.En: and both of them laughed together.Sk: Od tohto...