Statuesque Mischief at Bratislava Castle
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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Statuesque Mischief at Bratislava Castle Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Na vrchu vysokého kopca sa týči Bratislavský hrad.En: At the top of a high hill stands Bratislava Castle.Sk: Jeho biele múry zažiarili v slnečnom svetle a lákali mnoho návštevníkov, aby objavili jeho starobylé tajomstvá.En: Its white walls gleamed in the sunlight and welcomed many visitors to uncover its ancient secrets.Sk: V tento osudný deň sa na hrad vybrala aj trojica priateľov - Jana, Marek a Peter.En: On this fateful day, a trio of friends - Jana, Marek, and Peter - also set out for the castle.Sk: Jana bola nádejná maliarka, ktorá milovala história.En: Jana was a promising painter who loved history.Sk: Marek bol sochár s vášňou pre stredoveké brnenie, a Peter bol výletník, ktorý nenechal žiaden kamenný koberec nepreskúmaný.En: Marek was a sculptor with a passion for medieval armor, and Peter was an adventurer who left no stone unturned.Sk: Keď dorazili na hradné nádvorie, rozdelili sa, aby každý preskúmal to, čo ho najviac zaujímalo.En: When they arrived at the castle courtyard, they split up to explore what interested them the most.Sk: Jana sa pomaly prechádzala popri hradných stenách a obdivovala staré sochy.En: Jana strolled slowly along the castle walls, admiring the ancient statues.Sk: Kúty jej úst sa zdvihli pri predstave rozhovoru s týmito kameňmi.En: A smile formed on her lips as she imagined conversing with these stones.Sk: Prestavala sa, že sochy sú živé a hovorí s nimi o ich časoch.En: She pictured the statues coming to life and speaking to her about their times.Sk: Neďaleko od nej stál Marek, úplne ponorený do skúmania jednej z hradných sošiek.En: Nearby, Marek was completely absorbed in examining one of the castle's sculptures.Sk: Absorbovaný svojimi myšlienkami, nevnímal nič okolo seba.En: Lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice anything around him.Sk: "Milý pane," začala Jana, keď prišla ku soche, ktorá sa nebezpečne podobala na Marka.En: "Dear sir," Jana began as she approached a statue that dangerously resembled Marek.Sk: Nemohla to vedieť, veď Marek bol celkom nehybne stojaci s očami fixovanými na inú sochu.En: She couldn't have known, as Marek was standing still, his eyes fixed on another statue.Sk: "Ako sa cítite, stojac tu celé storočia a strážiac tento nádherný hrad?En: "How does it feel to stand here for centuries, guarding this beautiful castle?"Sk: "Marek prekvapene pozrel na Janu.En: Marek looked at Jana with surprise.Sk: Na chvíľu si myslel, že hovorí so skutočnou sochou.En: For a moment, he thought she was speaking to a real statue.Sk: Potom si uvedomil, že Janu naplno pohltila jej fantázia.En: Then he realized that Jana's imagination had taken over completely.Sk: "Veľmi dobre, slečno," rozhodol sa Marek hrať na sochu a nechal svoje telo stuhnúť do nesmelého úsmevu.En: "Very well, miss," Marek decided to play along and let his body freeze into a shy smile.Sk: "Ale moje nohy sú už trochu stuhnuté.En: "But my legs are a bit stiff already."Sk: "Jana sa zarazila a potom sa zasmiala, keď pochopila, čo sa stalo.En: Jana paused, then laughed when she realized what had happened.Sk: "Marek, ty šibal, kedy si sa stal takým dobrým hercom?En: "Marek, you rascal, when did you become such a good actor?"Sk: "Peter, ktorý sa práve vrátil od opačnej strany...